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learning conference


A one day conference on Friday, 3rd November, 2000 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at Roffey Park Management Institute, Horsham, West Sussex (near Gatwick), off M23.

What do you want learning to deliver for your organisation?
 State-of-the-art solutions that deliver – and those that don’t
 Using effective learning to use and retain expertise
 Using powerful learning and development strategies to help you win the “war for talent”

The answer is – Make Learning Work

By the end of the day you will be able to create integrated strategies to make learning work for your organisation.

Conference topics will cover:
 We've got the e - where's the learning? Moving into the virtual classroom
 Creating successful work-based learning – with current examples from the public & private sectors
 A radical alternative to Mentoring & Coaching
 Learning – moving from surface to deep learning
 Zen and the art of learning

To register your interest in attending the conference, simply e-mail:
[email protected]
For more information, contact: [email protected]

Costs are £95 per attendee, for the day or part day, or £180 for two colleagues from the same organisation. Cipd members benefit from a 10% saving. Please provide full address details.

peter welch


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