Can anyone advise on a suitable course to contextualise my current knowledge and skills in this area. All of my qualifications relate to training/management. I have the NVQ level four in learning & development, can anyone suggest a course to enhance this?
jayne williams
jayne williams
5 Responses
as with all good L&D the first question is “why”…what do you want to get out of the training you are seeking?
Then you will be in a position to find a solution to your needs…gosh that sounds deep!
Fiona Eldridge
Fiona is about to begin a six-weekend coaching and mentoring course which sounds like it might be helpful. Her email is:
CIPD – Managing Training
You could have a look at the range of courses offered by the CIPD under Managing Training.
What qualification
The level 4-Advice and Guidance was quoted in a recent LDA post
Learning &Development
you could give the TAPS foundation (Certified trainer assessment programme)- TAPS call 024 7641 1288 they are based in Coventry but run courses in London as well I believe,they can give you advice on training based courses & web based info andcourse costs etc