A thorough two year investigation, which looked at the training and development of organisations employing almost half a million people, was bound to reveal some interesting findings. Colin Coulson-Thomas talked to TrainingZone.co.uk about his research, results and the implications for learning.
Many organisations periodically review their approach to training and development. Does it contribute to winning new business? If activities were stopped would customers notice or care? Some reviews are triggered by a specific situation or event. Existing courses and facilities might be at the end of their useful lives. There could be new approaches to learning to consider, emerging technologies to evaluate, and collaborative opportunities to assess.
Trainers face choices and challenges. Could value and knowledge creation be better supported? Should resources be switched from elearning that bores or is ignored to support tools that engage people and enable them to learn with each use? Should training be a revenue centre or a distinct business? Could particular activities, or the whole function, be outsourced?
A two year investigation of corporate learning plans and priorities identified some issues to address during a review. It involved corporate visits and 69 structured interviews covering the training and development of some 460,000 people. The results are summarized in the report 'Developing a Corporate Learning Strategy'.

The findings suggest many courses are outdated, while new approaches to transforming the performance of key work groups offer much higher returns on investment. Insufficient effort has been devoted to business development, knowledge creation, ebusiness, entrepreneurship and generating incremental income streams.
Only one company was equipping people to be more successful at bidding for business - even though the top twenty skills and critical success factors for winning bids have been identified. Resources are devoted to general empowerment, quality, teamwork, motivation, and leadership training, while important requirements are overlooked.
Training inputs are not leading to new know-how and intellectual capital outputs. While existing understanding is shared, the new knowledge needed to secure market leadership is rarely being created. Presentations on 'knowledge management' abound, but specific initiatives to develop knowledge entrepreneurs or equip key workgroups with knowledge-based support tools are few and far between.
Those interviewed focus overwhelmingly upon employed staff. Customers, contractors, suppliers, associates, supply chain and business partners also have development needs which can be addressed by shared learning and relevant support tools.
Training, education, learning and updating are global markets, and among the most exciting of contemporary business opportunities. However, in many companies training is not perceived as a source of incremental revenues, or used to build relationships with customers, suppliers and business partners.
Many trainers follow fashion and buy 'off the shelf'. They provide standard programmes, regardless of individual interests and specific situations. People working on very different activities are sent on general courses rather than given job-related support.
Opportunities for collaboration are being missed. Many companies face similar challenges. Maybe the cost of new resources and facilities could be split between several users. There are shared learning networks such as the Business Development Forum for those wanting to win more business.
Finally, individual aspirations are often overlooked. While trainers focus upon corporate pre-occupations many people seek greater control and more balance in their lives. Switching the emphasis to innovation, entrepreneurship and business building can enhance both corporate performance and personal fulfilment.
The continuing investigation suggests training is still sometimes viewed as a cost, rather than an investment in the creation of knowledge, intellectual capital and value for customers. Companies like Glaxo Wellcome view innovation and creativity in the development of new products as a critical business process.
Trainers should consider whether these findings apply to their organisations, as certain lessons emerge. The most successful, or winners, tend to be pioneers and innovators, rather than observers and imitators. They facilitate, enable and support development. They champion and reward learning and enterprise. Learning is built into work processes, support tools and peoples' roles. It embraces customers, suppliers and business partners.
Winners allow individuals to manage their own learning. They encourage people to join shared learning networks, foster learning partnerships, and keep their learning strategies current, relevant and vital. In place of standard offerings they favour specific and tailored interventions. Key work groups such as bid teams and account managers are supported with tools that incorporate critical success factors and the winning ways of high performers.
Training can be a profitable business in its own right, contributing to enterprise, business and knowledge development. Providing personal learning accounts creates 'customers'. Demonstrable outcomes include bid 'win rates', the proportion of turnover contributed by new offerings, and the value of new intellectual capital. Activities not contributing to additional know-how, greater customer value or extra business could be discontinued.
Working with colleagues, trainers can turn companies into incubators of entrepreneurial activity, and create environments that inspire and enable learning, innovation and creativity. The investigation suggests many trainers could make a more strategic contribution to knowledge and value creation and the achievement of both personal and corporate objectives.
Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas can be contacted by telephone: +44 (0)1733 361 149 and email
'Developing a Corporate Learning Strategy' by Colin Coulson-Thomas is available from www.policypublications.com Further findings are summarised in 'Winning Companies; Winning People' which can be ordered from: www.coulson-thomaspublications.com