Does anyone know of any training organisations that aim to provide training for delegates who are nearing retirement age?
This goes a bit further in that ideally the trainer would also need to be within that age group too.
Specific emotions start coming into play when both your fellow delegates and trainer/facilitator are a lot younger than you.
I am aware that this a bit of a different, maybe unique, request and I would warmly welcome and advice on the subject.
Thanks and Regards,
Marcus Jenkins
This goes a bit further in that ideally the trainer would also need to be within that age group too.
Specific emotions start coming into play when both your fellow delegates and trainer/facilitator are a lot younger than you.
I am aware that this a bit of a different, maybe unique, request and I would warmly welcome and advice on the subject.
Thanks and Regards,
Marcus Jenkins
4 Responses
Age Groups
I have just completed 4 years with the Millennium Commission as a freelance for their Active Citizenship awards to the over 65’s.They attended two full day workshops with me on press releases,lobbying,effective letters,campaigning and surveys followed by 6 hour extended learning facilities by phone.Most were returners to the learning environment after long absence.Course content,duration and other factors had to be tailored.I am 44 but age barrier was not an issue.The clear factor that guaranteed a convivial atmosphere and development of learning points was engagement with others with me as trainer and facilitator.Help the Aged provided good resources and back up
If you have any specific enquiries,glad to help
try Age Concern
You may well find that Age concern have specific courses in your area although you may have to travel to their nearest location. You might also try Union Learning Services and also your local Business Link who may be able to help with a “Grey Entrepreneurs” Scheme” funded by DTI
Pre Retirement Course
Hello Marcus
We run a 2 day Pre-Retirement course for staff who are looking to retire in the next 2 years. Please do email me if you would like a course outline. It is facilitated by one of our more ‘mature’ trainers, and also includes talks by specific outside agencies.
Two Possible Sources
N.I.A.C.E. have an Information Officer – Older & Bolder, who may be able to advise your further. If you require contact details please write to me on my home e-mail.
Also, not sure what kind of Training you are looking for – but for IT there is Hairnetting. I am a Trainer registered with them, and they do have some ‘more senior’ trainers. Hairnet specialises in teaching older people about technology – 1-to-1 home & business IT training for beginners. Their website is at