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Learning & Development Plan template



I am an OD adviser for a local authority and I have been asked to come up with a template for an organisation-wide Learning and Development Plan which will comprise of a fairly detailed L & D Plan for each department, this will then 'roll up' into a broader and less detailed snap shot Learning & Development Plan for the whole organisation.  If you have anything like this and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, I'd be very grateful. .



7 Responses

  1. L & D Plan

    Hi Fi,

    I have done something similar when I was a head of L & D. THe issues that I faced were many depts wanting lots of training and there never being enough money for it all.

    Consequently, I devised a process whereby they each had to put in their needs and then I got together a number of senior managers from outside my department for the day and they had to consider each request against a number of set questions (which would change in content or weighting each year dependant upon the business needs / environment, etc). The process was agreed by the internal clients prior to the scoring starting.

    All the needs were entered on to a spreadsheet dept by dept.

    They then scored them all which gave a fairly scored list. I then went through and said what could be delivered with the funds I had. They could then give me more funds if they wanted more doing – but the great thing was I didn’t get the blame any longer for ‘not giving them the training they wanted’ – it was fully in their hands, with the accountability for the actual delivery fully in my court.

    When new needs came up during the year, they were scored, but in one the ‘league table’ at the correct point and either didn’t make it or something else fell out of the league (a bit like my team Chester City last year).

    If that sounds like the sort of thing you are looking for, please drop me an email and I’ll have a lok for the stuff – I’m pretty sure I’ve got a copy of it all somewhere ….




  2. L&D plan template

    Hi Paul,

    thanks for your response.  Yes I would appreciate  more info on this, it sounds as though it could be really helpful.



  3. Found it and sent it …

    Hi Fi,

    I have sent it all to your email address with a short covering note.

    If it isn’t in your ‘in box’, please let me know.



  4. Similar Situation


    I am an HR Advisor within government, and I have been asked to develop something very similar to what you are describing. Would it be possible for you to send me this information as well? I would greatly appreciate it!

    Thank you for your time and help,


  5. Could you help me too?

    Hi Paul,

    Any chance you could forward me the information too?

    Very much appreciated, save trying to reinvent the wheel.





  6. Do you still have it handy?

    Hi Paul,

    That’s a great idea on how to do it.

    Would it be possible to send it to me please?



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