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Claire Loram

TutorPro LTD

Technical Sales Developer

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Learning Live: Where Better To Learn Than In The Live Application?


We have all read articles about ‘Integrating Learning with Work’ and I agree it’s definitely the way forward. By empowering staff to work smarter you can increase employee performance. Research tells us that more than 70% of what employees need to know and do, they learn in the workplace rather than in the classroom. However, there is only so much you can do with authoring tools, so you can become restricted on how much you can offer your users. You’re creating a simulation environment and it’s often difficult to keep users focused. If they aren’t focused they aren’t going to learn and retain the information for when they need to put it into practice. Users want e-learning to be memorable, interactive, task based, stimulating, interesting, engaging and so much more.

Live Content represents a new way of learning and provides a new delivery method that ensures your new system roll-out is effective. It not only makes learning more interesting, it makes users more productive. If you would like to teach users how to ‘Create a Pivot Table’ in Microsoft Excel for example, instead of them having to watch a video, interact with a simulation or read a piece of documentation; why not teach them and ask them to complete the task at the same time? The way to accomplish this is train and support your users in the LIVE application.
Watch this short video and learn how you can use this unique concept to train users, increase employee performance and keep users focused.

Learning Live