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LearningWire #82 – Mind out for the Millennnium, jobs, reviews, discounts


LearningWIRE #82 4 January 2000 The Learning Community

– Mind out for the Millennium
– Jobs and Tenders for the new year
– Free tickets for the Dome
– Latest book reviews and discount shopping

10,000 professionals engaged in training, learning and HR will use TrainingZone this week. For details on reaching this audience:

Skill Boosters – Affordable new training on CD-roms
If you want to boost your skills, or those of your team, but can’t afford the time or expense of a face-to-face course, then Skill Boosters are the affordable alternative.
**OUT NOW** Persuasive Presentations – A step-by-step guide to speaking confidently in front of others.
Prices: Single User: 39.95 UKP incl VAT Business Users from 95 UKP + VAT. For more details check out call Tel: 020 7357 6444.

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Mind Out for the Millenium
The Campaign for Learning is heralding the new millennium with a large new campaign to encourage people to turn their new year resolutions into real learning plans. Called ‘Mind Out for the Millennium’,the campaign focuses particularly on encouraging older people back into learning, but everyone is encouraged to register their learning pledges on the Campaign’s website.

Learning is for Life campaign
Lifelong Learning Minister Malcolm Wicks launched the ‘Learning is for Life’ campaign to find Britain’s oldest learner – and continue the lifelong learning theme into the third millennium.

TrainingZone’s Day at the Dome
We’ve got three tickets to give away to TrainingZone members for a day at the Millenium Dome on Friday 17 March. Our Day at the Dome is an opportunity to explore the Learn and Work Zones (we plan to write reviews) and enjoy the atmosphere during a full-day visit. To enter the competition, either
* Enter your company details into the Trainers and Consultants Directory at,or
* Place our free syndicated news ticker on your company website and point us to where we can view it.
Three lucky winners will be drawn at random in mid February.
All other TrainingZone members are welcome to join us on this fun day if you buy your own ticket!

Government’s vision for the Millennium
In the first government speech of the year, David Blunkett will use the North of England Education conference to set out the vision and priorities for the new decade. His speech is being broadcast live over the Internet on 6 January with opportunities to post follow-up questions and reactions.

New Deal sets new records
On the eve of the Millennium, record-breaking figures show that the New Deal has helped over 169,000 young people off benefits and into work.

Internet statistics
Did you catch the headline statistics broadcast in the BBC News Review of the Year? The following numbers were reported:
– one third of Britons now have access to the Internet
– 3,000 new websites are registered in Britain every day
– one third of men exaggerate the size of their email in-tray.
Now there’s something to quote at colleagues on the first day back at work!

Learning Cities
The idea of learning cities / towns / communities / neighbourhoods is catching on fast. The underlying concept is to promote areas where learning for everyone is encouraged as part of the drive towards lifelong learning. Different councils and communities are developing a range of models and you can explore these different approaches at the Learning Cities Network website.

TrainingZone Shopping Mall
The online shopping mall for training, development and HR products is working well. You can browse through over 1,500 products from five suppliers without effort. Here are a few featured products:-

* ‘?What If! How to start a creative revolution at work’
Makes creativity easy to talk about, easy to practice and easy to get on and do. It’s on special offer in the Capstone catalogue.

* ‘Toolkit for Managers’
The new practical manual which includes plenty of new-style approaches to management, from the Pavilion catalogue.

* ‘Writing skills for professionals’
How can you tailor writing style to meet specific objectives and what is the writing etiquette for the bugbear of modern business, e-mail? from the T.E.N. video catalogue.

* ’45 Activities for developing a learning organisation’
A collection of ready-to-use training exercises from the Gower catalogue.

*** First five purchasers this week win a bottle of wine ***

Coming soon to the Mall: Kogan Page, McGraw Hill, Scitech Diol, Chris Elgood, Psi-Press, QuickGuides. Why not establish your own shop in the Mall free of charge.

Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You’re virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a selection of new questions:

** How to you evaluate instructor-led courseware?

** Can anyone recommend a good distance learning provider/package which will assist us in taking German to a more advanced level?

** Does anyone have any information or guidance on developing policies for psychometric testing?

** Any attention grabbing ideas for senior manager training?

** Is the European Driving Licence becoming recognised in the workplace?

** Can anyone recommend a short course is Risk management for managers who work in the Oil and Gas sector?

** Qualities of a professional business mentor

All the questions and all the answers can be found at

Tenders 2000 Challenge
Our Challenge is to promote open and competitive tendering for training and consultancy work. You can publish your contract opportunities completely free of charge. Feedback from users indicates a high quality response from tenders promoted this way.
This week’s opportunities include:

** Management development programme for junior managers in

** Work opportunities with TrainingZone in 2000

** Opportunity to train employees in personnel procedures with

** Vacancy for a generic trainer in Liverpool

Check out the latest opportunities and invitations to tender at

ADVERTISMENT: Tenders 2000 Challenge
Publish your training and consultancy tenders, contracts and jobs openly, online. Search for new work opportunities. No charge!

Your products can be reviewed at

Thank to Julie Hay of A.D. International who used part of her Christmas holiday to review several recent books for TrainingZone. Anyone interested in coaching and mentoring will enjoy her favourable review of ‘Mentoring Executives and Directors’ by David Clutterbuck and David Megginson. Also reviewed are two books from Capstone Publishing: ‘Smart Things to Know about Strategy’ by Richard Koch is packed full if useful ideas and strongly recommended. David Firth and Alan Leigh’s ‘The Corporate Fool’ was found to be rather heavier going, despite the catchy title.

All these reviews can be found at most of our reviewed books can be bought online at a discount in our shopping mall


How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
To receive LearningWire free each week, just register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to

Alternatively, and put ‘unsubscribe learningwire’ in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

============================================================== TrainingZone, The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

LearningWIRE #82 4 January 2000 The Learning Community

- Mind out for the Millennium
- Jobs and Tenders for the new year
- Free tickets for the Dome
- Latest book reviews and discount shopping

10,000 professionals engaged in training, learning and HR will use TrainingZone this week. For details on reaching this audience:

Skill Boosters - Affordable new training on CD-roms
If you want to boost your skills, or those of your team, but can't afford the time or expense of a face-to-face course, then Skill Boosters are the affordable alternative.
**OUT NOW** Persuasive Presentations - A step-by-step guide to speaking confidently in front of others.
Prices: Single User: 39.95 UKP incl VAT Business Users from 95 UKP + VAT. For more details check out call Tel: 020 7357 6444.

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Mind Out for the Millenium
The Campaign for Learning is heralding the new millennium with a large new campaign to encourage people to turn their new year resolutions into real learning plans. Called 'Mind Out for the Millennium',the campaign focuses particularly on encouraging older people back into learning, but everyone is encouraged to register their learning pledges on the Campaign's website.

Learning is for Life campaign
Lifelong Learning Minister Malcolm Wicks launched the 'Learning is for Life' campaign to find Britain’s oldest learner - and continue the lifelong learning theme into the third millennium.

TrainingZone's Day at the Dome
We've got three tickets to give away to TrainingZone members for a day at the Millenium Dome on Friday 17 March. Our Day at the Dome is an opportunity to explore the Learn and Work Zones (we plan to write reviews) and enjoy the atmosphere during a full-day visit. To enter the competition, either
* Enter your company details into the Trainers and Consultants Directory at,or
* Place our free syndicated news ticker on your company website and point us to where we can view it.
Three lucky winners will be drawn at random in mid February.
All other TrainingZone members are welcome to join us on this fun day if you buy your own ticket!

Government's vision for the Millennium
In the first government speech of the year, David Blunkett will use the North of England Education conference to set out the vision and priorities for the new decade. His speech is being broadcast live over the Internet on 6 January with opportunities to post follow-up questions and reactions.

New Deal sets new records
On the eve of the Millennium, record-breaking figures show that the New Deal has helped over 169,000 young people off benefits and into work.

Internet statistics
Did you catch the headline statistics broadcast in the BBC News Review of the Year? The following numbers were reported:
- one third of Britons now have access to the Internet
- 3,000 new websites are registered in Britain every day
- one third of men exaggerate the size of their email in-tray.
Now there's something to quote at colleagues on the first day back at work!

Learning Cities
The idea of learning cities / towns / communities / neighbourhoods is catching on fast. The underlying concept is to promote areas where learning for everyone is encouraged as part of the drive towards lifelong learning. Different councils and communities are developing a range of models and you can explore these different approaches at the Learning Cities Network website.

TrainingZone Shopping Mall
The online shopping mall for training, development and HR products is working well. You can browse through over 1,500 products from five suppliers without effort. Here are a few featured products:-

* '?What If! How to start a creative revolution at work'
Makes creativity easy to talk about, easy to practice and easy to get on and do. It's on special offer in the Capstone catalogue.

* 'Toolkit for Managers'
The new practical manual which includes plenty of new-style approaches to management, from the Pavilion catalogue.

* 'Writing skills for professionals'
How can you tailor writing style to meet specific objectives and what is the writing etiquette for the bugbear of modern business, e-mail? from the T.E.N. video catalogue.

* '45 Activities for developing a learning organisation'
A collection of ready-to-use training exercises from the Gower catalogue.

*** First five purchasers this week win a bottle of wine ***

Coming soon to the Mall: Kogan Page, McGraw Hill, Scitech Diol, Chris Elgood, Psi-Press, QuickGuides. Why not establish your own shop in the Mall free of charge.

Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a selection of new questions:

** How to you evaluate instructor-led courseware?

** Can anyone recommend a good distance learning provider/package which will assist us in taking German to a more advanced level?

** Does anyone have any information or guidance on developing policies for psychometric testing?

** Any attention grabbing ideas for senior manager training?

** Is the European Driving Licence becoming recognised in the workplace?

** Can anyone recommend a short course is Risk management for managers who work in the Oil and Gas sector?

** Qualities of a professional business mentor

All the questions and all the answers can be found at

Tenders 2000 Challenge
Our Challenge is to promote open and competitive tendering for training and consultancy work. You can publish your contract opportunities completely free of charge. Feedback from users indicates a high quality response from tenders promoted this way.
This week's opportunities include:

** Management development programme for junior managers in

** Work opportunities with TrainingZone in 2000

** Opportunity to train employees in personnel procedures with

** Vacancy for a generic trainer in Liverpool

Check out the latest opportunities and invitations to tender at

ADVERTISMENT: Tenders 2000 Challenge
Publish your training and consultancy tenders, contracts and jobs openly, online. Search for new work opportunities. No charge!

Your products can be reviewed at

Thank to Julie Hay of A.D. International who used part of her Christmas holiday to review several recent books for TrainingZone. Anyone interested in coaching and mentoring will enjoy her favourable review of 'Mentoring Executives and Directors' by David Clutterbuck and David Megginson. Also reviewed are two books from Capstone Publishing: 'Smart Things to Know about Strategy' by Richard Koch is packed full if useful ideas and strongly recommended. David Firth and Alan Leigh's 'The Corporate Fool' was found to be rather heavier going, despite the catchy title.

All these reviews can be found at most of our reviewed books can be bought online at a discount in our shopping mall


How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
To receive LearningWire free each week, just register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to

Alternatively, and put 'unsubscribe learningwire' in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

============================================================== TrainingZone, The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630