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LearningWire #84 – self confidence, New Deal, best HR, DfEE news


LearningWIRE #84 17 January 2000 The Learning Community

- Learn the power of self-confidence
- Action Plan for New Deal
- Best HR practices in the US explored
- Announcements for Skillsoft and ISM
- Check out this week's questions, jobs and tenders

From the Editor
Thanks to Cecilia Bingham for editing last week's issue whilst I took a break from the British winter. My absence also seems to have coincided with a move in our company offices. Over the past twelve months, we grown from 15 staff to the present team of 40, necessitating the second move in two years. If you need to write to us, please use the new address at the foot of this wire (the phone number remains unchanged). As always, we welcome your news and contributions to

FastTrack Associates Ltd (Accelerating Personal Achievement
We produce a wide range of Centre and Candidate Support Materials for S/NVQs. Provided in loose-leaf binders for ease of photocopying we provide a licence to copy for candidates. For our new product range and price list: Tel: 01529 414915,
Fax: 01529 413144 or

5,030 professionals engaged in training, learning and HR will receive LearningWire this week. To reach this audience, see:

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

DfEE announcements on skills development and education
The new year has opened with a flurry of announcements from the DfEE on a range of issues. At the North of England Education Conference, David Blunkett set out his department's vision for the future of education and training in a speech which was broadcast live over the Internet and is supported by an accompanying booklet. Plans have been announced to create a system of skill development loans which are transferable between employers as an employee moves jobs. By way of setting an example, a new open learning centre has been established in Whitehall by staff unions. An action plan has also been launched to transfer best practice from New Deal projects around the country and raise practice standards in other areas.
All these stories can be found at

Online Workshop: The power of self-confidence
This week's free online workshop runs on Tuesday commencing at 12:00 noon. The topic of 'The power of self-confidence' has been chosen by the guest workshop leader, Peter Hanley. He has also developed material on success-based thinking. This workshop will focus on the power which comes from knowing and being comfortable with yourself. Should be a great self-development opportunity.
A comprehensive report on last week's workshop led by Penny Sharland on Organisations and the New Science is also available on the Workshop page, if you weren't able to join in.
All workshops are free to join. Join in on Tuesday by clicking on

TrainingZone's Day at the Dome
Come and join us on Friday 17 March on a day out to the Dome. We'll review the future of Learning and Work in their respective Zones. You can win free tickets in our easy-to-enter Draw. See

Discounted leadership training from Trans4mation
As a special offer to TrainingZone members, Trans4mation are offering heavily discounted places on their CRISTAL Leadership seminar being held at Berkhampstead on 26 January. Contact them quickly if you would like to reserve a place.

Who's hiding a good idea?
Employees who feel unappreciated or badly treated are, it seems, keeping good ideas and skills to themselves to help them to win better jobs. Research from Birkbeck College at the University of London suggests that employers who want to prevent such "knowledge hoarding" must make their people feel secure and valued.

Success stories from the USA
Workforce Week reports on the winners of its Optimas(R) awards for success in training and HR. Categories range from 'Competitive Advantage' to 'Quality of Life', and winning organisations from the United Nations in New York to Jellyvision and Bayer Consumer Care. (You could meet them in person at the awards ceremony in Chicago on 23 March!)

Workplace bullies 'pick on diligent and timid workers'
Victims of workplace bullying are far more likely than the non-victims to be conscientious, dependent, introverted, anxious, submissive and unstable individuals. The findings from a Hull University research project have far-reaching practical applications. They show that those companies that want to eradicate bullying from the workplace may have more success if they concentrate on identifying the likely victims and giving them additional support, rather than try simply to root out the bullies.

'Goodperformance' website for small businesses
Another HR-oriented website was launched recently in the USA, but this one's aimed particularly at small businesses where managers may need to cover HR issues without having a relevant background or expertise. Site content includes articles and commentary on current trends in performance appraisal and small business management, as well as suggested books, articles and news. The site also features original articles from experts in the area of performance management, performance appraisal and small business.

What separates the best from the rest
The "100 Best Companies to Work for in America" are recognized for their commitment to employees, but what sets them apart from other companies? According to data gathered by Hewitt Associates, which analyzed the people practices of the more than 200 companies that applied for this year's list, the 100 Best have three main characteristics in common.

KnowledgePoint's in line for award
----------------------------------------------, an innovative online business center introduced by KnowledgePoint last summer, has been selected as a finalist for the coveted CODIE Award by the Software & Information Industry Association. Yes, US-based, but from the description it could provide useful material for UK businesses too.

IST Annual Meeting
The Institute of Science Technology announces their Annual Meeting. The theme this year is "NVQ/SVQs and competency markers into the New Millennium".

A 99 pound CD-ROM training Course for Free!
That's right. Specialist courseware provider Courses on Disk is offering its Essential Windows 95/98 course free to LEARNININGWIRE subscribers. All you pay is the standard packing and shipping fee of 9.95 UKP plus VAT if applicable. This offer is limited to one copy per Practice/company, and ends on 31 January 2000. To order, call Jeremy Kidson on +44 (0) 1273 691199 with your credit card details.
What better way to evaluate computer-based training?

Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a selection of new questions:

** Do you Know of Master degree programs for business communication?

** Can anyone recommend any useful training periodicals/magazines?

** Help with research on management development after convergence
in H.E sector

** Do you know any very basic teamwork/NVC exercises?

** Can anyone recommend a good training/scheduling package?

** Are there any qualifications for call centre staff?

** Do you know of an online graduate programme in organisational
development or change management?

** Where do I start with a training and personal development policy?

** Can you suggest training resources on time management, delegation
and communication skills?

** Can you recommend a film illustrating situational leadership?

All the questions and all the answers can be found at

Tenders and Jobs
As part of our Tenders 2000 Challenge to promote open and competitive opportunities for training and consultancy work, you can now post your own tenders and vacancies direct to the site - completely free of charge. Feedback to date indicates a very high response rate. Cut your advertising costs! Open up your work to new ideas!
This week's opportunities include:

** Anyone looking for an associate trainer in Northern Ireland?

** Final call - people interested in editorial work on TrainingZone?

** Experienced international leadership skills trainer available

Check out the latest tenders and vacancies at

The best training and HR resources from website around the world
are featured at

TrainingZone is a free community - please help us keep it that way. If you like LearningWire and the website please forward this
newswire to a friend and suggest they register for their own copy.

Update on the time capsule of training and development
Reported in last week's LearningWire, Don Clark's excellent new page summarising four millenia of developments in the field of training is attracting huge critical acclaim. We've said if before, but just want to reinforce the message - "if you've not already been, go now!" And if you are a tutor of training and development skills, this page is well worth printing off and direction students to. It's one of the most information and useful resources we've ever come across.

European Training Village
To co-incide with the launch of a new set of pages dedicated to Technology Supported Learning (TSL), the ETV team is undertaking the first of a series of web based surveys to obtain regular feedback on the site and services they provide.

Software development for HR, eduation and training
Reference Point are a company creating software for the HR and training fields, including an interesting programme designed to track learner's progress through a training programme. They've been recommended by a TrainingZone member, and details can be found at

TrainingZone Mall
Simply the most comprehensive online shopping area for training and development resources. Best sellers this week are:

* '?What If! How to start a creative revolution at work' from

* 'A guide to directors' duties and responsibilities ' from T.E.N.

* 'Work This Way: inventing your career in the workplace of the
future' from Capstone

* '360 degree Feedback' from Gower

* 'Toolkit for Managers' from Pavilion

Order all your training and development resources quickly and easily at

Some recent news stories from our PressZone members include -

Skillsoft announce their series of soft skills training and issue an invitation to their workshop 'Learning on Demand for Competitive Advantage'.

The Institute of Supervision and Management announce the winner of their presitious Thurley Award and the appointmentn of a new Regional Manager for Wales.

Find these stories in our PressZone area


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