LearningWIRE #85 24 January 2000
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk The Learning Community
– New series of Briefings in topical issues
– Develop your coaching and mentoring skills
– Update on Declaration on Learning coming soon
– Introduction to E-learning available for new users
– Plenty of jobs to look at
– Ideas for recording your own learning and CPD
FREE Computer Training and Certification Guide
Computer Manuals Online Bookstore is GIVING AWAY copies of “Computer and Network Certification Guide”, worth 14.99 UKP to Trainingzone users. Computer Manuals specialises in books and training software for computer certifications, especially MCSE and A+.
Go to: http://computer-manuals.co.uk/ad/A98
5,075 professionals engaged in training, learning and HR received LearningWire this week. To advertise before this audience, see:
Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news
New series of Topical Briefings
Launching this week in the TrainingZone Toolkit is a new series of Briefing Papers designed to provide users with succinct, up-to-date overviews of different issues in the training and HRD world. The first four Topical Briefings focus on: Where next for appraisals?; Just how significant is online learning?; Role play methods in training and development; and Bully at work.
New round of Millennium Volunteers projects gets go-ahead
Whether it’s learning to DJ, steering a narrow boat along the canals of Manchester, or getting fit in an environmentally friendly green gym, the new round of Millennium Volunteer (MV) projects ‘has something for all young people’, according to Minister for Employment and Equal Opportunities Margaret Hodge.
Companies rate effectiveness of incentives
Ratings of various types of incentive are tabled in a survey report from the USA. It seems that cash awards come top of the list. But these are the companies’ views: there’s no indication of how the receivers rated their rewards!
Online workshops take off
The series of regular weekly online workshops on the TrainingZone site is really taking off. This week Andrea McHugh will lead a session on COACHING AND MENTORING, offering some practical ideas about how to make these development techniques work, and helping you with any problems. The free workshop is on Tuesday at 13:0O GMT.
Also on the Workshop page are reports from several recent events which you may have missed. There are transcripts from Peter Hanley’s workshop on ‘The Power of Self Confidence’ and Penny Sharland’s event on ‘Organisations and the New Science’. Also published is a popular tutorial on ‘Using Pivot Tables in Excel’.
All Workshops and report are at
More thoughts on changes in the world of training
Two more contributions to the debate about the changes we’ve been through and those that we are likely to face in this century. Peter Honey has published a thoughtful review of 40 years of significant change. It’s available in different forms on several sites:
In the January issue of the TrainingSuperSite magazine, another feature article suggest ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ for trainers, visualising a world which is really quite different to that with which we are presently familiar.
Do you record your own learning and CPD?
You can check out your response against those of other training and HRD professionals in the January Poll, as well as discovering a range of resources to assist you in developing a system for recording your learning, both paper-based and online.
Day at the Dome
Don’t forget to enter our draw for free tickets by creating your own Directory entry, or using our free news ticker. Or register your interest to join us on Friday 17 March.
Businesses urged to take action on costly workplace bullying
The Andrea Adams Trust is calling for employers to address the long standing issue of workplace bullying following the recent case of a council employee who was awarded damages of 200,000 pounds as compensation for alleged bullying. Employers need to be aware that they have a statutory duty to provide safe systems of work and are liable to penalties under criminal law.
Scholarships for international facilitators’ conference
The International Association of Facilitators can offer scholarships for attendance at its Toronto conference, 27-30 April 2000. But hurry – the deadline for applications is 27 January.
Performance record for PeopleSoft payroll applications
Sun Microsystems, Inc. has reported a record performance result on PeopleSoft Payroll 7.5, the world’s most widely used human resources payroll application. The Sun Enterprise 10000 (a.k.a. Starfire server processed an astounding 437,000 paychecks per hour — the fastest performance result of any platform — almost doubling the performance of the previous published benchmark on PeopleSoft.
Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You’re virtually guaranteed a reply!.
Here are a selection of new questions:
** Are you aware of good Women in Management programmes?
** Could anyone recommend a book to liven up my flip charts?
** Could anyone recommend where to locate a generic diagnostic for teleskills
** Online tools for corporate skills mapping?
** Using Balanced Scorecard in training and development
** I need an idea for a 20-minute training exercise
** Pricing of training for non-profit organisation
** NVQs versus ‘exams’ as perceived by managers
** Successful tender document format required for CBT
** Off the shelf databases for training delegate records?
** Looking for an recruitment outsourcing policy document
** Information sought on Kaizen technique
** Value of Open University Postgrad qualifications?
** Wanted: someone to teach speed reading
** On-line editing and web design training courses?
** Wanted: help with setting up flexible working policy
** Introducing an NVQ programme for internal staff development
** Looking for a training pack to deliver basic food hygiene training to care workers.
** Looking for diagnostic tool for generic teleskills?
All these questions and all your answers at
Tenders and Jobs
Our Tenders 2000 Challenge promotes open, competitive opportunities for training and consultancy work. Post your tenders and vacancies direct to the site – completely free of charge. Feedback to date indicates a very high response rate. Cut your advertising costs! Open up your work to new ideas! Recent opportunities include:
** Growing Scottish HRD consultancy requires associate trainers / assessors / coaches
** Telephone skills and Interpersonal Skills Trainer required, NW England
** Experienced distance learning writer seeks further contacts
** Project Management workshop – associate required
** Media training offered by experienced freelance
** Training and development consultant needed (sales and marketing)
** Latest vacancies at UfI for Heads of Departments
** Training and development consultant (call centres)
** Staff wanted for business software company
Check out the latest tenders and vacancies at
The best training and HR resources from website around the world are featured at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/webwatch
TrainingZone is a free community – please help us keep it that way. If you like LearningWire and the website please forward this newswire to a friend and suggest they register for their own copy.
Mental Athletics
Walmly recommended by a TrainingZone member is the Mental Athletics Programme website which aims to help users develop their creativity and learn about innovation. Plenty to do here to develop your own mental abilities:
Introduction to E-learning
Over 70 million people are receiving an education on the Internet this year. One day, training for every job on Earth will be available on the Internet. Are you ready? E-Learning is featured in Cisco’s second wave of brand advertising on this site which has also been recommended by a TrainingZone member:
Six things worth remembering about learners
Intriguing, challenging, obvious, provocative ….? What do you think? We came across this webpage recently on the TrainingSuperSite and thought it was served as a useful reminder for both new and experienced trainers wanting to check out best practice in learning design.
What is coaching and why is it so important?
Coaching can best be described as facilitating learning. In this article, Bernard Redshaw claims that effective coaching develops the individual’s learning ability and that when good coaching is widespread an organisation can learn new things much quicker and therefore adapt to change more effectively. http://www.learningbuzz.com/br001.cfm
Online spending trebles in 1999, E&Y reports
Online spending in the UK has trebled in 1999 and one in ten people shop via the internet, according to research by Ernst & Young.
10 easy ways to praise
We all know how important praise and recognition are as motivators – in theory. But how often do we apply the theory, and how easy do we find it? This week’s Workforce Online lists ten simple and valuable methods of giving that ‘pat on the back’.
‘What should I delegate – and what not?’
The second in Skillgate’s series of articles spells out the ground rules for when and how to delegate – and what should not be delegated.
By joining our PressZone service, you can publish 25 press releases each year in your own branding and place them before a large audience of training professionals
Buckholdt Associates reveal new emotional intelligence test research which shows how ‘control freak’ business owner-managers hold back their company’s growth.
Solstra, the online learning solutions company announce that Ford Motor Company has increased its licence from 500 to 5000 users.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
To receive LearningWire free each week, just register your name at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk
To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/profile
Alternatively, mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk and put ‘unsubscribe learningwire’ in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
LearningWIRE #85 24 January 2000
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk The Learning Community
- New series of Briefings in topical issues
- Develop your coaching and mentoring skills
- Update on Declaration on Learning coming soon
- Introduction to E-learning available for new users
- Plenty of jobs to look at
- Ideas for recording your own learning and CPD
FREE Computer Training and Certification Guide
Computer Manuals Online Bookstore is GIVING AWAY copies of "Computer and Network Certification Guide", worth 14.99 UKP to Trainingzone users. Computer Manuals specialises in books and training software for computer certifications, especially MCSE and A+.
Go to: http://computer-manuals.co.uk/ad/A98
5,075 professionals engaged in training, learning and HR received LearningWire this week. To advertise before this audience, see:
Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news
New series of Topical Briefings
Launching this week in the TrainingZone Toolkit is a new series of Briefing Papers designed to provide users with succinct, up-to-date overviews of different issues in the training and HRD world. The first four Topical Briefings focus on: Where next for appraisals?; Just how significant is online learning?; Role play methods in training and development; and Bully at work.
New round of Millennium Volunteers projects gets go-ahead
Whether it's learning to DJ, steering a narrow boat along the canals of Manchester, or getting fit in an environmentally friendly green gym, the new round of Millennium Volunteer (MV) projects 'has something for all young people', according to Minister for Employment and Equal Opportunities Margaret Hodge.
Companies rate effectiveness of incentives
Ratings of various types of incentive are tabled in a survey report from the USA. It seems that cash awards come top of the list. But these are the companies' views: there's no indication of how the receivers rated their rewards!
Online workshops take off
The series of regular weekly online workshops on the TrainingZone site is really taking off. This week Andrea McHugh will lead a session on COACHING AND MENTORING, offering some practical ideas about how to make these development techniques work, and helping you with any problems. The free workshop is on Tuesday at 13:0O GMT.
Also on the Workshop page are reports from several recent events which you may have missed. There are transcripts from Peter Hanley's workshop on 'The Power of Self Confidence' and Penny Sharland's event on 'Organisations and the New Science'. Also published is a popular tutorial on 'Using Pivot Tables in Excel'.
All Workshops and report are at
More thoughts on changes in the world of training
Two more contributions to the debate about the changes we've been through and those that we are likely to face in this century. Peter Honey has published a thoughtful review of 40 years of significant change. It's available in different forms on several sites:
In the January issue of the TrainingSuperSite magazine, another feature article suggest 'The Shape of Things to Come' for trainers, visualising a world which is really quite different to that with which we are presently familiar.
Do you record your own learning and CPD?
You can check out your response against those of other training and HRD professionals in the January Poll, as well as discovering a range of resources to assist you in developing a system for recording your learning, both paper-based and online.
Day at the Dome
Don't forget to enter our draw for free tickets by creating your own Directory entry, or using our free news ticker. Or register your interest to join us on Friday 17 March.
Businesses urged to take action on costly workplace bullying
The Andrea Adams Trust is calling for employers to address the long standing issue of workplace bullying following the recent case of a council employee who was awarded damages of 200,000 pounds as compensation for alleged bullying. Employers need to be aware that they have a statutory duty to provide safe systems of work and are liable to penalties under criminal law.
Scholarships for international facilitators' conference
The International Association of Facilitators can offer scholarships for attendance at its Toronto conference, 27-30 April 2000. But hurry - the deadline for applications is 27 January.
Performance record for PeopleSoft payroll applications
Sun Microsystems, Inc. has reported a record performance result on PeopleSoft Payroll 7.5, the world's most widely used human resources payroll application. The Sun Enterprise 10000 (a.k.a. Starfire server processed an astounding 437,000 paychecks per hour -- the fastest performance result of any platform -- almost doubling the performance of the previous published benchmark on PeopleSoft.
Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.
Here are a selection of new questions:
** Are you aware of good Women in Management programmes?
** Could anyone recommend a book to liven up my flip charts?
** Could anyone recommend where to locate a generic diagnostic for teleskills
** Online tools for corporate skills mapping?
** Using Balanced Scorecard in training and development
** I need an idea for a 20-minute training exercise
** Pricing of training for non-profit organisation
** NVQs versus 'exams' as perceived by managers
** Successful tender document format required for CBT
** Off the shelf databases for training delegate records?
** Looking for an recruitment outsourcing policy document
** Information sought on Kaizen technique
** Value of Open University Postgrad qualifications?
** Wanted: someone to teach speed reading
** On-line editing and web design training courses?
** Wanted: help with setting up flexible working policy
** Introducing an NVQ programme for internal staff development
** Looking for a training pack to deliver basic food hygiene training to care workers.
** Looking for diagnostic tool for generic teleskills?
All these questions and all your answers at
Tenders and Jobs
Our Tenders 2000 Challenge promotes open, competitive opportunities for training and consultancy work. Post your tenders and vacancies direct to the site - completely free of charge. Feedback to date indicates a very high response rate. Cut your advertising costs! Open up your work to new ideas! Recent opportunities include:
** Growing Scottish HRD consultancy requires associate trainers / assessors / coaches
** Telephone skills and Interpersonal Skills Trainer required, NW England
** Experienced distance learning writer seeks further contacts
** Project Management workshop - associate required
** Media training offered by experienced freelance
** Training and development consultant needed (sales and marketing)
** Latest vacancies at UfI for Heads of Departments
** Training and development consultant (call centres)
** Staff wanted for business software company
Check out the latest tenders and vacancies at
The best training and HR resources from website around the world are featured at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/webwatch
TrainingZone is a free community - please help us keep it that way. If you like LearningWire and the website please forward this newswire to a friend and suggest they register for their own copy.
Mental Athletics
Walmly recommended by a TrainingZone member is the Mental Athletics Programme website which aims to help users develop their creativity and learn about innovation. Plenty to do here to develop your own mental abilities:
Introduction to E-learning
Over 70 million people are receiving an education on the Internet this year. One day, training for every job on Earth will be available on the Internet. Are you ready? E-Learning is featured in Cisco's second wave of brand advertising on this site which has also been recommended by a TrainingZone member:
Six things worth remembering about learners
Intriguing, challenging, obvious, provocative ....? What do you think? We came across this webpage recently on the TrainingSuperSite and thought it was served as a useful reminder for both new and experienced trainers wanting to check out best practice in learning design.
What is coaching and why is it so important?
Coaching can best be described as facilitating learning. In this article, Bernard Redshaw claims that effective coaching develops the individual's learning ability and that when good coaching is widespread an organisation can learn new things much quicker and therefore adapt to change more effectively. http://www.learningbuzz.com/br001.cfm
Online spending trebles in 1999, E&Y reports
Online spending in the UK has trebled in 1999 and one in ten people shop via the internet, according to research by Ernst & Young.
10 easy ways to praise
We all know how important praise and recognition are as motivators - in theory. But how often do we apply the theory, and how easy do we find it? This week's Workforce Online lists ten simple and valuable methods of giving that 'pat on the back'.
'What should I delegate - and what not?'
The second in Skillgate's series of articles spells out the ground rules for when and how to delegate - and what should not be delegated.
By joining our PressZone service, you can publish 25 press releases each year in your own branding and place them before a large audience of training professionals
Buckholdt Associates reveal new emotional intelligence test research which shows how 'control freak' business owner-managers hold back their company's growth.
Solstra, the online learning solutions company announce that Ford Motor Company has increased its licence from 500 to 5000 users.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
To receive LearningWire free each week, just register your name at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk
To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/profile
Alternatively, mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk and put 'unsubscribe learningwire' in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630