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LearningWire #88 – Learning Campus, e-learning jobs, training resources, Learning Circuits


LearningWIRE #88 13 February 2000 The Learning Community


1. Developing an online Learning Campus
2. Questions include Brain Gyms, sales training, video hire..
3. More training resources published online
4. Senior roles in e-learning advertised
5. Launch of Learning Circuits on IT Training


Sterling Creates Dramatic Learning!

Nottingham based Sterling Consultancy launches a new training service. Aimed at people skills development it uses professional actors experienced in improvisation to transform the effectiveness of role plays. For further information:


5,681 professionals engaged in training, learning and HRD received LearningWire this week. To advertise before this audience, see:

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

'The Mentoring Manual'
Leslie Rae reviews this new manual written by Mike Whittaker and Anna Cartwright and published by Gower. Definitely of value to anyone seeking to develop mentoring approaches for themselves or for colleagues.

Developing an online Learning Campus
The online Learning Campus is a major advance in e-learning being developed across TrainingZone. Aleady it offers online workshops and online coaching. Shortly there will be a catalogue of courses from a range of providers, and the facility for anyone to transfer their existing tutoring material into a new online environment.
Tuesday's workshop is an opportunity to learn more and to contribute your ideas to how the Learning Campus might evolve. Whatever your level of experience of interest in e-learning, do come and participate on Tuesday from 13:00 GMT at

New resources from
The current library of more than 1,000 learning resources created by Echelon on their site has been extended through a partnership with Thomson Learning to include a business encyclopedia, previews of management books, and some corporate case studies.

Live Enquiry service for training bids
The Training Directory website, which catalogues information on around 30,000 training courses from larger providers, has launched a new Live Enquiry service in which you can search a list of training requirements from companies posting their needs to the site; you can respond by submitting your proposals and costs. The result is effectively a training auction in which the purchasing company can select from the proposals offered.

Presentation Skills
The full transcript of last week's workshop, led by Andrea McHuch is available online. There are practical ideas for dealing with nerves, confidence and unresponsive audiences (amongst other issues) at

New development at UKHRD
UKHRD - the email-based mailing list owned by Fenman - has plans to develop its sevices further including a series of regional networking events for UKHRD members. This follows the highly successful first event in London last week.

Learning City Network
We've already reported on the recent development of learning cities / towns / communities / neighbourhoods where the idea is to promote learning as an accessable and relavant skill for everyone. The Network is hosting two events next month. 'Learning Partnerships for Regeneration' is an evening reception on the House of Commons on 7 March, followed by a Conference on 8 March at Lords' Cricket Ground, London with Malcolm Wicks (Minister for Lifelong Learning) and Charles Leadbeater (author) as keynote speakers. Further details from

Priorities for EU in education and training
The President of the Education Council, Guilherme Oliveira Martins, set out exciting priorities in the field of education and training at a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Education and Youth.

Guidelines sought for new 'gender equality' programme
The European Commission has recently debated policy on the incorporation of "gender equality" in all Community policies and is seeking examples of best practice for inclusion in new guidelines.

New online survey
TrainingZone is looking to find out more about the present user profile so that we can continue to develop the facilities most relevant to users. Please take just a minute to respond to our latest online survey about your role - and see what other uses do as well!

Putting training at the heart of business
As part of the TD2000 campaign, 'Training' magazine and the Industrial Society are jointly mounting this one-day conference, which they plug as "a lively and interactive day".

Facilitating Sustainable Development
An Interactive Conference organised by AMED's Sustainable Development
Network. 17 March at AMED, 14-15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS.
Themes include: Changing Values, Management Systems, Routes to
Sustainability, Using the Web, Engaging Employees, National
Programmes. Discover what leading businesses are doing to become more
sustainable and how consultants are helping them overcome obstacles.
Contact Helen Trussler on 020 7235 3505

Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post
a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically
emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a just a selection of the new questions:

** Which is a good Training bookings database ?

** Where can I hire/rent training videos?

** Any info or sites on Open Learning in general terms

** Is there a list of pre-view centres?

** What qualifications are needed for a move to career counselling?

** Looking for someone providing Recharging Training

** Looking for supplier fo NVQ badges

** Exercises to promote collaboration in teams

** Eating Disorders in the workplace?

** Brain Gym training?

** Has anyone delivered training on lipid lowering to practice nurses?

** Any information on self-managed teams?

** Ideas for practical sales training required

All these questions and all your answers at

Tenders and Jobs
Our Tenders 2000 Challenge promotes open, competitive opportunities
for training and consultancy work. Post your tenders and vacancies
direct to the site - completely free of charge. Feedback to date
indicates a very high response rate. Cut your advertising costs!
Open up your work to new ideas! Recent opportunities include:

** Occasional work offered delivering performance appraisal workshops

** D32/33 Assessors & D34 Internal Verifier required

** Sessional trainers and assessors in care related topics

** Senior (Director) roles in e-learning

** Proven consultant seeks performance improvement project work

** News/Features Editor for TrainingZone

Check out the latest tenders and vacancies at

Networked Learning Futures 2000
The Cable & Wireless College, Coventry - 14th/16th March 2000
Networked Learning Futures 2000 moves forward to take a closer look
at implementation. The conference theme is 'Partnering for networked learning in the new millennium'. The Internet and intranet delivery of learning and knowledge services is now becoming a reality in leading corporations as organisations strive to support performance on the job andin real-time. Networked Learning Futures 2000 focuses on the interaction between today's networked learning professionals and corporate users.

The best training and HR resources from website around the world
are featured at

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700 ICT Learning Centres
The DfEE has launched a web page providing details of the 700 information and communication technology learning centres which are being created around the country.

Learning Circuits
For several years, the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) has published a monthly IT Training journal. This has now been relaunched in both a print and electronic version as Learning Circuits, providing plenty of news and updates about technology training. Inevitably, it has a US focus, but there are plenty of features with wider relevance.

Designing Action Learning
The new issue of T&D Extra has a link to some detailed, expert advice for anyone planning an action learning programme.


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