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LearningWire #89 – Institute for Trainers, Declaration on Learning, group facilitation, work opportunities


LearningWIRE #89 21 February 2000 The Learning Community


1. New professional institute for trainers
2 Training Solutions creates first virtual exhibition
3. Help to re-draft the Declaration on Learning
4. Facilitation in groups explored
5. Trainers sought - various opportunities


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5,897 professionals engaged in training, learning and HRD received LearningWire this week. To advertise before this audience, see:

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

New Institute for Trainers
A group of enterprising training practitioners has recently set up the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL). The core group is based around North West England - which makes a pleasant change to London institutes - and has already published a substantial first journal including eight substantial articles on a range of training topics. Various levels of membership are available. The Institute aims to to be 'for trainers, by trainers' and to interest itself in accreditation and standards as well as other issues. At last year's Training Solutions Show, 60% of delegates expressed support for a trainer institute; now is the time to see whether such interest builds a new professional body.

This week - Training for Trainers
The online workshop this week focuses on 'Training for Trainers'. It's an opportunity to learn about how trainers can best develop their skills, ask some practical questions, and consider the place of trainer accreditation. The free workshop runs on Tuesday from 13:00 GMT at
And whilst you're there, don't forget to take part in the simple survey designed to show the composition of the TrainingZone audience. It only takes a few seconds at

Proposal for UK e-university
In a major announcement, the DfEE has set out plans for significant reforms to higher education pathways which are designed to make HE bodies more responsive to the electronic age. Pilot schemes are to be established creating a vocational route into degree courses. In a separate development, a consortium of universities and technology providers is being sought to deliver online university teaching with degree-awarding status. This is an area which the Open University has been exploring; now it seems, some of the more traditional universities are also being encouraged to expand into the global marketplace for students.

Training Solutions and IT Training Show, 2000
This year's show runs at the NEC, Birmingham on 4-6 July, and delegate booking is now open. It's an excellent venue in which to see and experience some of the latest ideas in both training and technology.
An innovation this year is the Virtual Exhibition which will enable anyone to tour the exhibition and interact with the stands from their desktop without actually visiting the show.

IPD secures Chartered status
Following a year long process, including overwhelming endorsement from the membership, the Institute of Personnel and Development has been granted chartered status by the Privy Council. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development will be officially launched on 1 July.

Don't let your important presentation be an expensive flop
Over 90 percent of London's premier hotel and conferencing centres are selling business professionals short with inadequate presentation equipment. Although many of these venues are positioned as the ultimate venue to impress potential business partners, their lack of technology could make that important presentation an expensive flop.

Networked Learning Futures, 2000 - correction
In last week's issue, the dates of this conference on the theme of 'Partnering for networked learning in the new millenium' should have read 14/15 March, at Cable & Wireless College, Coventry.

Survey shows increasing company commitment to training
Initial findings from an annual survey into company training policy commissioned by the IPD are reported in 'People Management'. The findings appear to show larger number of companies have a training budget; a 13% increase in Internet-delivered training; and a 17% increase in intranet-delivered training. The survey is based on returns from 600 companies. Full details will be published at the HRD 2000 exhibition in April.

Depressing news from WHO about mental health at work
The link between stress and mental health is becoming stronger. Does emotional intelligence offer one approach to creating a healthier workplace.

Sterling Creates Dramatic Learning!

Nottingham based Sterling Consultancy launches a new training service. Aimed at people skills development it uses professional actors experienced in improvisation to transform the effectiveness of role plays. For further information:


Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a just a selection of the new questions:

** Information sought about unfair dismissal criteria

** Tools for performance outcomes in experiential education

** Has anyone recently set up an open leaning centre?

** Looking for an IT Skill Assessment Tool

** Virtual team building: can it be done?

** Looking for any information on Competency Based Education

** Tracking down a beliefs & values exercise

** Examples of companies using web-based training sought

** Self assessment of development needs

** How can you administer tests and survey questionaires on the net?

All these questions and the answers you provide at

Tenders and Jobs
Our Tenders 2000 Challenge promotes open, competitive opportunities for training and consultancy work. Post your tenders and vacancies direct to the site - completely free of charge. Feedback to date indicates a very high response rate. Cut your advertising costs! Open up your work to new ideas! Recent opportunities include:

** Trainers required - various topics

** Inspiring associate trainers requireds

** Any Freelance Office 2000 Trainers in Glasgow/Belfast?

** Change management opportunity

** Instructional designers required, Sheffield

Please note: postings which solicit for work on the Tenders page will be removed. Check out the latest tenders and vacancies at

FastTrack Associates Ltd (Accelerating Personal Achievement)
We produce a wide range of Centre and Candidate Support Materials for S/NVQs. Provided in loose-leaf binders for ease of photocopying we provide a licence to copy for candidates. For our new product range and price list:
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The best training and HR resources from website around the world are featured at

Help to draft the revised Declaration on Learning
It's now more than a year since a group of eight leading people engaged in promoting learning drafted the first Declaration on Learning. The resulting document attracted much comment as well as criticism for being insufficiently practical. Now the group has expanded its membership and is in the process of redrafting the document. You can add your ideas by completing an online survey.

Dowload your HR templates and forms
A selection of free, downloadable and customisable templates and forms covering a range of HR and personnel policies are available on the HRfree website. Takes the effort out of drafting a form from scratch!

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e-citizen, e-business, e-government
The Government has published a draft text of "e-citizen, e-business, e-government", a strategic framework for the information age.

The Training Shop
A quirky, interactive site offering a range of toys and activities to liven up any face-to-face training session, together with practical tips and advice notes made freely available.

Reviews of all the latest resources written by experienced TrainingZone members are published at This week, they include: - one of the country's largest online learning portal sites gets a positive thumbs up from Clive Shepherd.

'Handling Groups in Action: the use of distinctions in facilitation' by Dale Hunter, Anne Bailey and Bill Taylor receives a careful and detailed review by Patric Devitt who is familiar with the authors' wider body of work around facilitation skills.

'Action Management - Marketing for Results' - a multi-media CD-rom from Milestones International is reviewed by Wilma Taggart

Check out all reviews at


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