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LearningWire #92 – new format training resources, network at the Dome, free project management tool, jobs


LearningWIRE #92 13 March 2000 The Learning Community


1. The way in which training resources are sold is changing fast
2. The challenges ahead for online training
3. Has fixed cost internet access finally arrived?
4. Last chance to come and network at the Dome on Friday
5. Free project management tool


Wide Learning has pioneered a revolutionary way to learn financial skills, whether you're a private investor, a business or City professional. Every course we deliver is put together by specialists and training professionals with years of experience teaching in top financial firms. We combine this expert content with award-winning multimedia, the latest in technology and tried-and-tested instructional techniques, so that you can be sure that the training we provide is the best available.


7,450 professionals engaged in training, learning and HRD received LearningWire this week. To advertise before this audience, see:

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Networking at the Dome
If you've got a free day on Friday, join TrainingZONE and its guests for a networking event with a difference. We're having a Day at the Dome, including a chance to review what's on offer, meet other people, and enjoy the fun. It's too late to join the group ticket, so buy your own and meet us at the Learn Zone entrance at 11:00, Friday 17 March.

Government for jobs and training
The DfEE has announced the launch of a website offering comprehensive information about job vacancies and training opportunities for people seeking employment or skills enhancement. Actually, this is something of a re-hash of previous announcement as will help help to link together some of the existing learnDirect, UfI, learning centre and job seeking facilities. Using the language is climbing on the bandwagon.

Interview with Ian Clague, BlueU
The Interview of the Week is with the founder of, a company launched just a year ago and already becoming well-known in the field of online learning. In this interview, Ian explains what BlueU is doing, how it differs from other online companies, and how he plans to tackle the issues confronting the future development of online learning services.

Trends in activity resources for training
A useful summary article contributed by Leslie Rae offers an overview of how the market for learning resources and activities has changed radically over the last few years, first with new technology, and more recently with the internet. Traditional publishers are having to re-think their approach to resource publication and package their products in different ways.

Online Workshops
This week's workshop is a FORUM FOR TRAINING MANAGERS - an open opportunity for anyone engaged in training management to share ideas, obtain support, ask questions and network with each other.
Join in for free over lunch on Tuesday at 13:00 GMT
We're looking for workshops leaders keen to run online events here. Check the page for more information, then tell us your choice of date and topic.

Flood of announcement about fixed cost UK internet access
Hardly a day went by last week without some big announcement about Internet access. In a major speech on Tuesday, the Prime Minister again gave out his 'wired-up-Britain' message with an aim of giving everyone internet access within five years; all schools and public buildings should be connected within two years.
AltaVista led the field with an unmetered pricing package for a fixed annual and monthly package. NTL followed with a zero-cost call charge for its cable customers. Both operators require you to use their service.
Just six days after a 15% cut in its btinternet tarrifs, BT followed up with an announcement of fixed-cost, unmetered Internet access which is independent of the users internet service provider i.e. your charges are still capped even if you change ISP. The barriers to cheap access are crumbling .....

Is good HR being lost in the new media age?
A feature article contributed by Ben Hedges of ITcounts asks the question again of what motivates employees and questions whether the new media companies have got the answer right. There is much to be said for good HR practices, and some of these lessons may be being lost in the new economy companies.

HRD Exhibition
In the run up to the major Olympia Exhibition in early April, LearningWire will be publishing special preview features. If you are planning to exhibit or launch new products at HRD Week, please send details to the editor so that we can include your feature.

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Contact or call +44 (0)118 988 0147.


Any Answers?
Post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a just a selection of the new questions:

** Rankings of UK Training Consultancies

** Looking for an organisational values card game

** Case studies used in interviews

** Pre team building questionnaire wanted

** Can anyone recommend an ECDL (distance learning) provider?

** Qualified Citrix Instructors wanted

** Help wanted on competencies

** Where can I find market statistics?

** Funding for IT Training

** Does you know of any assertive behaviour exercises?

All these questions and the answers you provide at

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
There are now 34 training/HR vacancies in the new Jobs area. One vacancy is for another Editor to join the TrainingZONE team to develop our HR pages and HR newswire. Salary £22-26k, Bristol. We also need a freelance/part-time editor for IT Training News pages and newswire (see tenders below).

Our Tenders 2000 Challenge promotes open, competitive opportunities for training and consultancy work. Post your tenders direct to the site - completely free of charge. Feedback shows a high response rate. Open up your work to new ideas! Recent opportunities include:

** Experienced IT Trainer to work on TrainingZONE

** Freelance trainers wanted

** SAP trainers needed

** More freelance trainers required

** Training sales person

** Freelance Training Designers (Open Learning)

Please note: postings which solicit for work on the Tenders page are removed. Check out the latest tenders at

Mentoring - "For A Business Strategy That Works"
Management Mentors, one of the foremost mentoring consulting firms in
America, is now operating in the UK.
Management Mentors has helped major corporations and leading
institutions implement successful mentoring programmes for the last
ten years. Find out how Management Mentors can help your business.
Email - Or visit


The best training and HR resources from website around the world
are featured at

Tips for brightening up your presentations
Hardware manufacturer 3M is interested, not surprisingly in helping its customers to make better use of its technology. However, you don't need to be a buyer to take advantage of the many excellent tips and techniques for presentations which they offer on their own site.

Eight principles of learning
Another TrainingZone enthusiast pointed us in the direction of the Fast Company website. This site focuses on new business models which take advantage of the latest and most creative ideas in organisational development and learning. There's plenty of resource material on the site, including several themed area devoted to specific topics. The Learning pages are ones we'll be watching, and this article on principles of learning can be found there. For anyone engaged in OD, we recommend a visit to the site.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Top selling products in the TrainingZone MALL +
+ --------------------------------------------- +
+ 1 What If: How to start a creative revolution at work +
+ 2 A guide to directors' duties and responsibilities +
+ 3 360 degree Feedback +
+ +
+ Would you like your resources and supplied featured? +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Free project management tools
Here's a site which enables project leaders to manage projects, set objectives, track progress and keep everyone informed, all over the Internet and completely free. All members of the project team can self-enter their information, and an automated email service ensures that all the people who need to know are kept informed. Although we've not fully tested it, the service could be very useful, particularly for dispersed teams where communication is always a problem.

Reviews of all the latest resources written by experienced TrainingZone members are published at This week:

Jon Kendall writes a glowing review of the new Institute of Training and Occupational Learning's (ITOL) new Journal. Here's a new professional journal with plenty of meaty articles to make any trainer take stock of their work.

'Working with Parents' edited by Ann Wheal, Russell House is reviewed by Stephen Radburn, the online course finding service is examined by Verlene Cobb. It's one service in an increasingly competitive online area.

Check out all reviews at

The news publication service for member organisations.

Intuition and form strategic alliance to add live learning

Success Group: Stress, emotional intelligence and 'releasing' - new methods available

Complete press releases (and details of membership) can be found at


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