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Left/ Right brain


Hello everyone,

I am looking for a questionnaire on left/ right brain thinking. I'bve got loads of back up material (happy to share!) but feel the session will be seriously lacking without delegates finding out which side is their strongest.

Any help most appreciated!
Nikki Brun

4 Responses

  1. Dominance is the key
    I have lots of experience with left/right brain exercises,and my most influential workshop was one I attended with Carla Hannaford PhD. The question is more “which hemisphere is dominant when under pressure, duress, tired, or when a person hasn’t done any cross-lateral ‘warm-ups’ ?” When a person is relaxed they will access both hemispheres.

    I have an exercise which points out someones dominant hemisphere via a short written exercise, the trainer then helps the group to determine what characteristics show up. Next you do a series of Brain Gym exercises, followed by a second written exercise and again identifying characteristics of that piece. It’s interesting for the group to see the differences in their writing style and content, as well as their mind-state.

    If you want this exercise let me know and I’ll email it to you.

    Oddball Training

  2. Law of attraction
    I wonder how this exercise is going to be used. Just beware of the law of attraction. If you make people believe that they are firmly either a left or right brainer, it may turn out to become true not because that’s how they are internally wired but that is what they beleive they are only capable of.

    This may limit their overall capability. For example, many people think they are not creative, but they really are. They just use the creativity in a different way other than those associated traditionally with creativity.

    I think this kind of questionnaires are useful to balance teams based on their preferences (discovered through questionnaires) rather than telling them directly this is how you are (and discourage their development in other directions) .

    I am not sure how you plan to use these exercises, just thought to raise the issue. Hope it helps.

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