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Lesley Nolan

Student Loans Company

Customer Service - Trainer

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Lone Female Travellers


Can anyone point me in the direction of training that gives advice and support on lone female travellers on business trips.


3 Responses

  1. Training?

    Hi Lezz

    I really don't think a training course is appropriate. Basic common sense plus additional awareness of being in an unfamilliar environment. The FCO website should be enough and Lonely Planet travel forums are fuill of advice for solo travellers.

    Maybe your company could produce a credit card size checklist as a reminder of "must do's" before and during business trips?

    I think this applies as much to men as women…dodgy people in dodgy countries don't discriminate.




  2. Training Course


    We have a resource around our Lone Working modules attached to Health and Safety  as well as Anti Harassment training linked to laws etc. Happy to send you a copy

    Additionally, the Foreign Office have recently been undertaking several initiatives with resources in the specific area you describe.Finally, the Equality and Human Rights Commission have commissioned further research in this specific area. Lots of good stuff around