Am putting together a list of LMS’s that support mobile learning with PDAs, Smartphones, Blackberries, etc.
I know Docent used to do Docent Mobile but that was more of a laptop thing as I understand it, rather than small screen mobile devices. Presumably SumtotalLMS does the same…
I am also aware of ExactMobile from LearnExact, u360Mobile from RWD and PocketSCORM. The first two seem like genuine commercial solutions whereas I am sceptical about the viability of PocketSCORM currently, seems more of a research thing and information on it appears to be scarce. ExactMobile in particular looks like it could be really useful.
Does anyone have anything else to add to this list?
Thanks in advance,
Mark Aberdour
I know Docent used to do Docent Mobile but that was more of a laptop thing as I understand it, rather than small screen mobile devices. Presumably SumtotalLMS does the same...
I am also aware of ExactMobile from LearnExact, u360Mobile from RWD and PocketSCORM. The first two seem like genuine commercial solutions whereas I am sceptical about the viability of PocketSCORM currently, seems more of a research thing and information on it appears to be scarce. ExactMobile in particular looks like it could be really useful.
Does anyone have anything else to add to this list?
Thanks in advance,
Mark Aberdour
3 Responses
Questionmark Perception Powers Mobile Assessments
Hi Mark,
Not sure if this is relevant but Questionmark Perception Powers Mobile Assessments. More info can be found at:
Bromley PDA work on Moodle
Hi Mark
Don’t know how far they got but might be worth chasing this down.
I assuem you have also seen this
Moodle was the top hit page on our Kineo site this month, so interest seems to be growing in the open source LMS.
Good luck!
LMS solutions for M-Learning
Dear Mark
There is one other option for tracking mobile learners that you have not listed.
OnPoint and Hot Lava Software have formed an alliance to create an offering called mLEARNING PRO.
You can obtain more information and see a demo at: