I’m looking for a published article about Stakeholder Management, something that is just a few pages and not the huge papers I seem to always find.
The article is for senior project managers, so a project spin on it would be good.
Anyone got anything?
I’m looking for a published article about Stakeholder Management, something that is just a few pages and not the huge papers I seem to always find.
The article is for senior project managers, so a project spin on it would be good.
Anyone got anything?
3 Responses
tis a huge subject……
….maybe you need to be more specific……is it >stakeholder identification
or something else?
All of these will come under the overall title of "Stakeholder Management", which is why a generic article will tend to be a "huge paper"!
I hope that helps
brief article and link to how to guide
Hi msstree,
As Russ states it is a huge topic. You can find a brief overview of it here but I am not sure if this will satisfy what you are looking for exactly? I hope it is of some help;
Kind Regards,
Thanks guys
I am looking for something that is background reading, and its for project leaders who have already done a couple of levels of training thats includes the generic approaches to stakeholder management. This is for senior leaders and I was hoping for a strategic outlook in some sort of synopsis.
Anyway, thanks for the input and sorry I didnt repsond earlier but foe some eason I didnt get notified of the comments.
Kind Regards