I am looking for a training provider who offers a one day “introduction to training” that would be suitable for someone who is extremely new to training.
I would value any ideas!
Many Thanks,
Sarah Leahy
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I am looking for a training provider who offers a one day “introduction to training” that would be suitable for someone who is extremely new to training.
I would value any ideas!
Many Thanks,
Sarah Leahy
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10 Responses
lots of offers
Hi Sarah,
I’m sure you’ll be inundated with offers as the best way to do this, I’d suggest, is for you to seek a 1-2-1 with just about any experienced trainer on this site. I often run this sort of work and I’m sure there are many more who do the same.
This way you’d get practical experience on the day, with some role playing, as well as an insight into the practical, emotional and theoretical side of training.
Hope that helps
1 day intro to training
I can see the temptation for something like this, and if it is part of a more extensive development plan it may have a place. But I have two concerns. Firstly, when the person goes on to a full programme to equip them properly for the role they are likely to cover much of the same ground. This seems unecessary duplication. Secondly, and please tell me this is not the case, if they don’t go on to do more (and just get 1 day) they could cause more problems that they solve. The potential reputational damage and lost impact from ‘poor’ training is a serious risk. And by ‘poor’ I don’t necessarily mean the person has to be hopeless. Just being underdeveloped, lacking key skills and being without real credibilty sets the whole tone for learning in the organisation.
Just a word of warning
More info
Thank you both for your answers just to pick up on Graham’s points yes this is the starting point on her very extensive development plan. At the moment her role does involve an element of technical training which she has been carrying out well with hardly any support as there hasn’t been and L+D department…. until now!
I have started putting together her plan and most of it will involve coaching, training and mentoring from me which will include the practical, emotional and theoretical side of training.
However in order for her to get a well rounded insight to training I felt it would useful for her so experience an appropriate external workshop as well, hence my question.
I hope that answers a few questions?
Try a CVS
Often to help new trainers get a good grounding I look for a local CVS course like the introduction to training – train the trainer or training debt management.
They have opportunity to microteach and work with people who for different reasons want to deliver training and get the chance to see that all styles can work, so it is more of an insight on diversity and an excellent grounding experience.
Other options?
There are a lot of providers out there who will run quite generic ‘train the trainer’ programmes. I’m sure if you look on
http://www.trainerbase.com or http://www.trainingpages.com you will quickly find lots!
You have mentioned that you intend to do a lot of coaching and mentoring, which I think is essential, and is certainly how I learned my skills (and still develop).
I wondered if you have looked into any distance/e-learning options? I’m afraid that I can’t recommend any, but I thought this might be a good way of helping her to understand the ‘science’ bit, and then practice the ‘art’ side through shadowing, coaching and co-presenting.
Finally, I’m delighted you posted this, as I’m now going to look at your website for a new bathroom!
An introduction to training
Dear Sarah
A lot depends on what role you expect your new colleague to play when they return from their course. The most common role for newly appointed training personnel is delivering some form of process, induction or technical training. If this is what you have in mind then I would suggest you take a look at the course which leads to the TAP Foundation Award in Training Delivery Skills. This also carries eligibility for afiliate level membership of the British Institute for Learning and Development. See:
Whilst this course involves a two day event, the cost does include the first year of BILD membership fees. This would obviously pay dividends in terms of your colleagues further professional development.
There is an established development path from the Foundation Award which would take your colleague on towards the TAP Diploma.
There are a large number of TAP Partner organisations out there and this increasingly offers spin-off business benefits for businesses that adopt TAP as a standard to underpin the quality of their learning and development processes. One such partner organisation is Wolseley UK plc, the world’s number one distributor of heating and plumbing products to the professional market. In the UK they are known under a range of brands including Plumb Centre, Pipe Centre, Bathstore and so on.
See: http://www.tap-training.com/page/silverpartners/wolseley.html
As a TAP partner organisation Wolseley has expressed a preference for working with suppliers that have also adopted TAP as a quality standard for learning and development. Additionally, given that Bristan is the UK’s largest supplier of bathroom and kitchen taps, a TAP certificate would sound like the obvious choice!
Best wishes
Thank you all for your suggestions they are very useful indeed.
Sheridan, please call if you need help choosing your bathroom!!
proceed with care
Just to consolidate many other comments – try not to go down the road of a one day introduction to training – it will leave the individual half way through what is often a confusing (sort of intentionally) process which is then clarified and built upon in a second or third day. The best and shortest options are 2 or 3 days which end withsome practice albeit artificial. Professional Trainer Certificate courses are as good as any others, and there are many providers around the country, many of whom are actually very good!!! Costs about £250 – £400. contact me if you wnat further advice or a chat.
Finding the right course
You say your colleague is extremely new to training and with this in mind perhaps a one day introduction to training might be a case of too much to learn in such a short period. As other replies have suggested there are many training providers out there who offer numerous courses, it is finding the right one to suit your colleagues’ requirements.
Perhaps our Bronze ELF (Excellent Learning Facilitation) Course might be a solution.
I too am new to the training environment and looked at this page to gauge some expert advice on which direction to start but I find it all very confusing. I would appreciate if someone could give me a direct answer as to whether I should do a one day course i.e ‘Introduction to Training’ to get me started and then progress onwards or should I just get started with the ‘full course’ therefore not going over old ground?
My long term goal is to gain a professional qualification in this field but I need something to get me started as I have been invovled in Call centre management for a number of years and have had absolutely no training experience to date. I have been invovled in coaching and mentoring course during my time.
Can anyone help me, please?