I am project managing a training initiative involving the use of a board game.
I am seeking information on possible costings of producing a board game, how to go about designing a board game, or looking to hear from any other trainers out there who have successfully designed and used games to deliver learning.
nicki short
I am seeking information on possible costings of producing a board game, how to go about designing a board game, or looking to hear from any other trainers out there who have successfully designed and used games to deliver learning.
nicki short
5 Responses
Board Games
Hi – I would be very interested in talking (email) to you about your board games. I cannot help with your specific need…but I am very interested. Please contact me.
Board game
Hi Nicki
I may be able to help you with some ideas (content). Drop me an e-mail to discuss your needs.
We may be able to assist you with this!
We specialise in tailor-making board (and other) business simulations.
We build them to reflect the client’s business (addressing their specific issues and using their own financial figures etc) so that participants can easily take their learnings back to their everyday work.
If you have a large number of people going through this type of training, it is extremely cost-effective to use this type of approach.
We would be happy to chat with you regarding this if it sounds interesting.
Board games available
We have board games for adaptation to different contexts/circumstances which may be of interest. It depends on target group, expected outcomes, etc. If you want further info, please e-mail me with your postal details and I’ll send it through.
Board game
At the weekend I came up with an idea for a board game too and have no idea about costs etc. Would you be prepared to share details of suppliers?