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LOST in Direction…?


One of life’s pleasures for me is, having a coffee in town with my family and wandering around Chester while the street performers play music in the background. Occasionally I look up and see signposts; not unusual in Chester and certainly not unusual in our lives either.

So what’s the significance of signposts?

A signpost gives us a number of options or choices and then points us in the right direction. We choose which direction to ultimately take.

Just imagine if we each had signposts in our life that said;

Happiness – straight ahead, at the top of the road

Fantastic job – just past Happiness on the right hand side

Belief & continued success – take the first left, oppositie fantastic job

Wealth – just down from Belief & continued Success at the end of the road

Some of you would be able to follow these directions perfectly well, especially if you had the benefit of satellite Navigation (or sat nav). Others might need a helping hand or some gentle reassurance that you’re heading in the right direction.

Right now life is full of signposts and looking for direction has never been so popular;

  • If you’re not well, you may go to see a Doctor for some advice
  • If you’re unsure in work, you may speak to a colleague or a mentor
  • If you’re looking to lose weight or get fit, you may join a gym or weight loss club
  • If you’re re-evaluating your life and priorities, you may seek out a life coach to support you along the way

Whatever you’re doing in your life, look out for the signposts and take time to make a decision on which way to go. Don’t worry if you feel you have chosen the wrong direction at some point; there’s always something to learn from the experience.

If you reach a crossroads, think about what’s going on in your life right at that point in time and what direction / support / help you may need. Very quickly those signposts will begin to appear again.

There’s a lovely quote from Lesley Garner in her book, ‘Everything I’ve ever done that worked’;

“When the sea is rough, mend your sails”

When things aren’t going your way; you’re lost or you feel like giving up, don’t despair.

Focus on YOU. Turn your energy inwards and focus on getting yourself in a good place.

Make contact with friends (that you haven’t spoken to in ages); read those books (that have been sat on your shelf for months); bake chocolate cupcakes with your partner (even if the kitchen gets messy); or train for something you’ve never done before (like a triathlon)…YOU will feel better as a result of doing these or similar things

And remember – when the sea is calm, get yourself back out there. You’re only ever lost for a short space of time.

Thank you for your continued kind words and for reading my blog

Have a great week and shine in whatever you’re doing



One of life’s pleasures for me is, having a coffee in town with my family and wandering around Chester while the street performers play music in the background. Occasionally I look up and see signposts; not unusual in Chester and certainly not unusual in our lives either.

So what’s the significance of signposts?

A signpost gives us a number of options or choices and then points us in the right direction. We choose which direction to ultimately take.

Just imagine if we each had signposts in our life that said;

Happiness – straight ahead, at the top of the road

Fantastic job – just past Happiness on the right hand side

Belief & continued success – take the first left, oppositie fantastic job

Wealth – just down from Belief & continued Success at the end of the road

Some of you would be able to follow these directions perfectly well, especially if you had the benefit of satellite Navigation (or sat nav). Others might need a helping hand or some gentle reassurance that you’re heading in the right direction.

Right now life is full of signposts and looking for direction has never been so popular;

  • If you’re not well, you may go to see a Doctor for some advice
  • If you’re unsure in work, you may speak to a colleague or a mentor
  • If you’re looking to lose weight or get fit, you may join a gym or weight loss club
  • If you’re re-evaluating your life and priorities, you may seek out a life coach to support you along the way

Whatever you’re doing in your life, look out for the signposts and take time to make a decision on which way to go. Don’t worry if you feel you have chosen the wrong direction at some point; there’s always something to learn from the experience.

If you reach a crossroads, think about what’s going on in your life right at that point in time and what direction / support / help you may need. Very quickly those signposts will begin to appear again.

There’s a lovely quote from Lesley Garner in her book, ‘Everything I’ve ever done that worked’;

“When the sea is rough, mend your sails”

When things aren’t going your way; you’re lost or you feel like giving up, don’t despair.

Focus on YOU. Turn your energy inwards and focus on getting yourself in a good place.

Make contact with friends (that you haven’t spoken to in ages); read those books (that have been sat on your shelf for months); bake chocolate cupcakes with your partner (even if the kitchen gets messy); or train for something you’ve never done before (like a triathlon)…YOU will feel better as a result of doing these or similar things

And remember – when the sea is calm, get yourself back out there. You’re only ever lost for a short space of time.

Thank you for your continued kind words and for reading my blog

Have a great week and shine in whatever you’re doing

