Hi All,
I am going to be running some Performance Management sessions for some of our Managers. I would like to do a section on Management Styles to enable them to better understand how they manage their staff and identify any areas of improvement etc.
Does anybody have any form of 'Management Styles Questionnaire' that they find helpful? I have used the Learning styles questionnaire before but it isn't really appropriate for this course.
I have had a look online and there are so many different 'styles' around that it becomes a bit of a maze!
Any help would be greatfully received!
Thank you
Hi All,
I am going to be running some Performance Management sessions for some of our Managers. I would like to do a section on Management Styles to enable them to better understand how they manage their staff and identify any areas of improvement etc.
Does anybody have any form of 'Management Styles Questionnaire' that they find helpful? I have used the Learning styles questionnaire before but it isn't really appropriate for this course.
I have had a look online and there are so many different 'styles' around that it becomes a bit of a maze!
Any help would be greatfully received!
Thank you
2 Responses
Source of management styles questionnaire
I have used John Adair's leadership style questionnaire over the years. It is easy to complete and gives participants an awareness of their strengths around achieving task, building the team and developing the individual.
Source is http://www.lptproductions.co.uk – about £6 each.
Best wishes
http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz/index.html – training delivery and marketing course material
Management Style Questionnaire
Hi Caroline
In addition to the LPT tool mentioned by Bryan, we also recommend the tool run by http://www.evolveleadteam.co.uk