Hi to all Managenment and Leadership Trainers.
I’m trying to advise someone how to deliver a short session on "Saying No but maintaining a good working relationship".
Its not really my "thing" so if any Management Trainers could offer a few wise words or ideas they would be greatfully recieved.
Many thanks in advance
Hi to all Managenment and Leadership Trainers.
I'm trying to advise someone how to deliver a short session on "Saying No but maintaining a good working relationship".
Its not really my "thing" so if any Management Trainers could offer a few wise words or ideas they would be greatfully recieved.
Many thanks in advance
7 Responses
Saying NO
Hi Steve
I have a handout on my website you are welcome to, http://www.odinnovations.org.uk/Freeresourcedownloads.html
O D Innovations
Thanks Angela
Thanks Angela
That will be useful.
Does anyone have any examples of high level conversations between manager and employee that could be used as a case study involving the word NO and maintaining the good working relationship?
another option
Hi Steve
visit http://coach-and-courses.com/page20.htm
and look at the freebie entitled
"Yeah, but no, but yeah": A assertiveness tool to help you to say "No"
your person might find this helpful; it is very different to Angela’s suggestion (no more right…..just different)
Cheers Russ
It’s all useful so the more ideas the better.
Scenarios (conversations) particularly welcome….
Saying ‘No’
Saying NO
In stead of NO, say Not now.
— http://www.linkedin.com/in/miltonriveramanga
Thank you
Thanks guys
All gratefully received