I am coaching an Assitant Director of a small voluntary organisation who is looking for a course for herselfl on General Management which also includes a sustantial element/module on Training and Development
She has a number of years experience in management already and also is an experienced but unqualified trainer – she has done a number of short courses on training. She works as an Asscoiate with Voluntary sector organisations aswell as in her Assisitant Dircetor Post.
She wants to start a course this September and really needs it to be flexible learning as she has a family- she would consider distance leraning but much prefers to be in a group for motivation etc.
She aslo needs the course to be in easy reach of London or prereably in London.
Please help!!
Amanda Brook Chen
She has a number of years experience in management already and also is an experienced but unqualified trainer - she has done a number of short courses on training. She works as an Asscoiate with Voluntary sector organisations aswell as in her Assisitant Dircetor Post.
She wants to start a course this September and really needs it to be flexible learning as she has a family- she would consider distance leraning but much prefers to be in a group for motivation etc.
She aslo needs the course to be in easy reach of London or prereably in London.
Please help!!
Amanda Brook Chen
2 Responses
management development
Pursglove Management Centre
South Park Avenue
Middlesbrough run operate a distance learning course with support, email me for further details
The Open University used to run a course, entitled ‘Managing People In the Voluntary Sector’, or something similar. This might be a useful lead. Please let me know!
Ian P Dale
Principal Consultant
Actuality Plus (Management & HR Consultants)
Website: http://www.actualityplus.co.uk