I’d appreciate thoughts / case histories / ideas/ advice on the following project:
Over the past years I have run a number of ‘one-off’ workshops in various core managerial skills for Hospital Consultants / Senior Pharmacists / Clinical Directors. These workshops have been sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. As a result a major project has landed on my lap.
I have been asked to write & deliver a train-the-trainer programme, for a series of half-day modules. This includes pre-course work, exercises, PowerPoint presentation, Trainers Guide and Participant’s notes & further reading. The trainers will cascade the process throughout the country.
The Target Audience for the workshops are Senior Registrars who are ready to apply for Consultant’s Posts. The objective to help the new consultants to be better managers.
The proposed topics are:
o Communication Skills
o Team working
o Leadership
o Motivation
o Coaching skills
o Managing difficult situations
o Presentation skills
o Marketing for medics – understanding customer needs
Is there a ‘national standard’ that I should be looking at, are there any websites that specialise in management training for (hospital) medics. etc etc etc
Replies either on or off-line much appreciated. Sincere thanks in anticipation
Malcolm Hornby
Malcolm Hornby
Over the past years I have run a number of 'one-off' workshops in various core managerial skills for Hospital Consultants / Senior Pharmacists / Clinical Directors. These workshops have been sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. As a result a major project has landed on my lap.
I have been asked to write & deliver a train-the-trainer programme, for a series of half-day modules. This includes pre-course work, exercises, PowerPoint presentation, Trainers Guide and Participant's notes & further reading. The trainers will cascade the process throughout the country.
The Target Audience for the workshops are Senior Registrars who are ready to apply for Consultant's Posts. The objective to help the new consultants to be better managers.
The proposed topics are:
o Communication Skills
o Team working
o Leadership
o Motivation
o Coaching skills
o Managing difficult situations
o Presentation skills
o Marketing for medics – understanding customer needs
Is there a 'national standard' that I should be looking at, are there any websites that specialise in management training for (hospital) medics. etc etc etc
Replies either on or off-line much appreciated. Sincere thanks in anticipation
Malcolm Hornby
Malcolm Hornby
4 Responses
I know of a company that may be able to help, but how can you be contacted?
Big Dogs Leadership Page
Can I suggest you visit this web site which contains a lot of high quality relevant data:
Both these pages would provide lots of source material which you can use provided you credit the originator. It covers the essential and important issues. Don’t get sucked in with irrelevant or worthless systems and methods, analyse and assess what you find, not what your told.
I know of leading consultants who can help
I have a relationship with a company who specialises in the sorts of training you are being asked to deliver. The company is run by senior ex-NHS professionals.
Call me to discuss further on 0207 400 4800
hospital consultants
make sure they know how to communicate and benice to people-I believe it is called bedside manner in my experience I have not found any