We have recently developed a framework for management training. It has been agreed at Board level that Directors would like to see this developed further with the introduction of CPD for managers (which would be included in their objectives). As CPD will encompass several different events e.g. training courses, conferences, etc, I need to develop an appropriate way of measuring CPD to promote consistency from one manager to another. So far we have discussed possibly using points, days or hours to measure it.
I would be interested to learn how others have introduced and embedded CPD in their organisations and what type of framework they used.
Karen Oldroyd
I would be interested to learn how others have introduced and embedded CPD in their organisations and what type of framework they used.
Karen Oldroyd
3 Responses
‘points’ system
Hi Karen
I am an accredited trainer for an organisation who insists that trainers complete CPD. They use a ‘unit system’ and I have included an extract from their guidelines below.
“Activities are given “value bandings” for guidance. Trainers are encouraged to contact the Training Manager for advice if there are other activities that the Trainer would like to use towards CPD or if they feel that a particular activity was worth more than the general banding given.
Band A – 1 unit per hour: Band A includes types of activities which are “passive”, i.e. reading / listening / practical activity.
Band B – 2 units per hour: Band B includes types of activities which require more participation, i.e. discussion / basic research
Band C – 3 Units per hour: Band C includes activities which require detailed research and reporting or presenting to a group.”
They have a minimum number of units per year that they expect trainers to do. This system could easily be fleshed out for your managers with more examples of types of activities. You could also be more specific about the range of subjects it should cover
Hope this helps
You said you want to promote ‘consistency’ between managers – consistency of what, and why CPD ?
There is perhaps an implication of consistency of time, but is that what the business really needs ? Do all managers need the same amount of development ? What about quality of learning, or contribution to business results or anything that is more meaningful to individuals and the business than gold-star-collecting.
As you can tell, I’ve not been convinced that a CPD ‘system’ such as you describe is the best way to engage managers meaningfully in their own development. Have you thought of alternatives ?
Keep it simple
My advice, based on more years than I care to think about of tackling this sort of issue is keep it really simple, and don’t make it seem onerous to a group of people who will feel they have far too much to do already.
If it helps, I have kept a hand written learning log since February 1987, and something as simple as this A4 sheet is what I advocate as a first stage.
Please don’t get hung up on days and hours or points make prizes schemes. Learning, and CPD is a unique and personal journey, and the more we try and make it fit an imposed structure the less value those with any commitment will find from this.
If it helps I can send you my learning log sheet – 1156 entries written, 950,000 words and still going strong, and 100 notes I have made on learners and learning.
This is a lot easier to get wrong than right – sounds like a good project to outsource!
Good luck