I am trying to put together a 5 day programme covering a Manager’s responsibilities or obligations and would appreciate any ideas for content. I do not want to cover the soft skills side of things although obviously there will be some overlap here, but need to concentrate on the basic things a manager must do to fulfil his/her role e.g. Handling sickness/Absence, Performance Management, Compliance, Health & Safety, etc. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Katherine Cooke
Katherine Cooke
2 Responses
Managers’ obligations content
Katherine Cooke,
With a over a billion learning objects in the English speaking world, it’s likely an existing programme or content resource could be tailored to meet identified learner/organization needs, your policies and procedures, and your budget.
Of course, you can do it yourself. But, since legislation is constantly changing, designing a valid and defensible compliance training programme from scratch can be quite time consuming.
In considering the ‘make or buy’ proposition for compliance training, I think it’s hard to beat resources such as those offered by Croner. Much of the work is done for you, by experts, and the packages are updated when legislation changes.
Before recommending any of the more moderately priced ‘quick and dirty’ alternatives, it would be helpful to know more about your needs. I would be delighted to discuss these with you at no obligation.
Usual disclaimers apply. And try before you buy.
Scott G. Welch
Henri Fayol
You could do worse than build on the framework of Henri Fayol. See, for example: