I am organising an " Improving Efficiency by Managing Absence" training course. I currently have some resources but they are a bit 'tired'. Does anyone have any ideas, exercises, handouts or resources or comments/thoughts on what may be included in this course.

2 Responses
Mock-up calendar
Hi Glenda
You could give them a blank year planner and then give them a sheet of paper with all absences on for your ‘mock’ workforce. They should populate the year planner using this information and then suggest some conclusions from what they have done.
Examples could include:
etc etc
Once they have inputted all the dates onto the planner, they should be able to see patterns and the ensuing discussion is around what they can/can’t/should do about it
I like it
Thanks Sue
I like this – very participative and realistic – I could see this really working and producing some ‘healthy debate’ Thanks Glenda