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Managing change – exercise/game


Anyone who has a good idea for an exercise/game/quiz about managing change. That will last around 10-15 min and for around 10-15 people. Answer appreciated it really quickly as it is happeninng on Friday this week…
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Christina James

Anyone who has a good idea for an exercise/game/quiz about managing change. That will last around 10-15 min and for around 10-15 people. Answer appreciated it really quickly as it is happeninng on Friday this week...
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Christina James

6 Responses

  1. Video on Change
    Hello Christina,

    My company works with a number of producers of training videos, many of which looks at Change Management and dealing with change. I know of a couple of excellent titles that are 10-15 minutes in length which offer a good alternative to regular training. If you wish to have find out more or have a free preview please feel free to contact me on the number below.

    I know time is an issue, but not to worry we would be able to have the product with you for Friday.


    Tom Bailey
    Mind Resources

  2. Managing Change exercise
    Hi, one I have used in the past is about changing the layout of a keyboard. One half of the group are given the role of a management team. They are given a laminate showing the new layout of keyboards (not QWERTY) which they are about to introduce. They have 5 minutes to plan how they will tell their employees – anticipating their comments, questions, the benefits etc. Meanwhile the other half of the group are waiting to be told some news about changes by their managers so will be discussing what this might be. After the preparation, the managers will present the change to their staff and answer any questions. Discuss afterwards what went well, the comments from employees (eg emtional, negative, excited etc). I then move onto a session on the emotions of the stepping stones of change, initial reactions etc. Regards.

  3. To manage change we have to first identify the change that we wa
    An exercise I use with startling results for the participants involves a whiteboard.
    Ask the group to tell you what things stop them being as good as they can be. What are the obstacles that get in the way of them doing a good job.

    Fill the board with their ideas then go back around the group.
    Ask each member of the group to nominate the word or phrase that of the remaining words on the board has the least influence.

    The last word on the board is always the word “Management”.

    This is their acknowledgement that if you want to manage a change then the thing that needs to change is the management.
    From there the session develops to discover what are the things that management do to stop people from performing and what are the practical strategies that can be developed to change the way they manage.

  4. Watch swap
    Get your group to swap their watches over from the normal wrist to the other and keep asking the time, provides a good laugh as well as a sewrious point about change

  5. Language
    I’ve found that any exercise that challenges the participants use of language during change is an effective way to start a change session.

    Particularly effective is a blindfold game. From the moment they are blindfolded they are not allowed to speak. The facilitator gives them a number and their task is to find the person (or people) who have the same number as them. When the exercise starts some participants wil actively seek their partners, some will wait to be found. They have to (as a group) find a way to communicate. One person can be given unique number that means they never find their partner(s).

    It poses questions about planning, communication, delegation, pace of change, when is the change completed etc.

    Good luck.

    1. Hi Andrew
      Hi Andrew
      I have run a similar activity before. your spin on not being able to talk is interesting. Are the instructions for no talking applicable to both people in a pair?
