I have been working as a trainer/consultant for twelve years – currently as a member of “Framework” – a group of independent consultants who work in the not for profit sector and previously as the Staff Development Officer for the Headquarters staff of Save the Children.
I have completed an MSC course in Human Resource Development to distinction level at South Bank University. The course was geared specifically at developing an HRD specialist’s capacity to perform effectively in senior HRD or organisational change agent roles.
I have also completed two years of psychotherapy training run by the Gestalt Centre which greatly enhanced my skills in dealing with group dynamics and problem-solving.
I am currently a member of the Institute of Personnel and Development (IPD) and the Management Development Network (MDN).
Examples of recent/current contracts within specific work areas are –
Audits/Reviews –
i) Co-ordinated a major change process for a small voluntary organisation whose primary focus for 25 years has been to arrange visits to and from South Africa as part of the struggle against apartheid.
This process entailed an initial stage of re-thinking the organisation’s purpose, objectives, name and the service it offers. My findings were fed back to the funders in a detailed report which was produced in consultation with the management committee of the organisation.
The next stage involved my working closely with the committee looking at a funding strategy for implementing such changes.
ii) Undertook research into the development of Health Workers within the Overseas Department of a large voluntary organisation. After interviewing Health Workers, managers and key personnel in the Senior Management Team, I drew out a list of agreed recommendations on the management and development of Health Workers.
iii) Carried out an evaluation of the training undertaken for the Children Act by all child care voluntary organisations nationally.
My role involved collating information from questionnaires, conducting follow-up telephone interviews as well as visiting a number of projects and analysing in detail the effectiveness of the training. I then produced a report with recommendations which was sent to the Department of Health, the commissioning body.
iv) Identified the overt and covert planning and decision-making processes across a small voluntary organisation and advised on how to develop a more strategic way of operating.
My role involved interviewing all staff on a one-to-one basis, getting them to complete questionnaires, observing team meetings and finally presenting a report with recommendations to the Director and his team.
Strategic Planning and Managing Change –
i) Worked as an associate for Pathways Training and Consultancy Services in the restructuring of the equalities function within a local authority into a single Equalities Unit. This involved my co-facilitating a series of workshops for the individuals likely to form part of the new Unit. The aim of these workshops was to promote a successful transition to the new structure by deepening the understanding of the change and its implications both at an individual and a group level.
ii) Facilitated a strategic planning event for the staff of an organisation where we worked on some key areas in devising a five year plan framework. This involved my agreeing a programme for the day with three members of staff, designing suitable exercises to enable that process to happen and guiding the process on the day.
iii) Co-facilitated a strategic planning event for a group of 36 staff from one local authority who wanted to create a vision for their organisation over the following 5 years. This group spanned different levels of management including Chief Executive Officers, senior and middle managers.
iv) Assessed the effectiveness of the processes and systems for strategic human resource development within the Overseas Department of a large voluntary organisation and advised on appropriate actions to enable the processes and systems to fit better with the Department’s overall Strategic Plan. This involved my interviewing staff, analysing all relevant papers and publications and presenting a report with recommendations.
Working with teams –
i) Worked over a period of months with the staff team of a small voluntary organisation who were experiencing difficulties around issues of race and sexuality. My role was to enable the team to resolve conflict and to function at a more effective level.
ii) Facilitated the three Co-Directors of an organisation to assess how they were currently working together and to devise strategies to promote more effective ways of working. Topics within this focus included communication, conflict resolution and delegation/accountability.
iii) Ran a one day event for a management committee which was aimed at clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the committee and at improving the way they managed the interface with staff.
Training –
i) I currently run a two day course “PASSPORT” which a colleague and I developed specifically for women. The course provides an opportunity for the women to think creatively about their current lifestyles, to analyse how their work and leisure activities enable them to make best use of their skills and interests and to plan changes.
ii) I devised and ran training days over a two year period for both practice managers and staff of an F.H.S.A. and for the Headquarters management team. The courses focused on developing line-management skills (eg. appraisal interviewing, managing change, managing training and managing meetings), as well as interpersonal skills (eg. stress management, conflict resolution, confronting prejudice, communication and time management).
I also advised the Staff Development Manager about more long-term solutions to the staff’s needs through a process consultancy-based approach.
Other work history and education (reverse order)
Jan 88 – June 91
Staff Development Officer in the Headquarters of Save the Children. In that post, I set up systems to assess the training needs of the 300 staff there, including updating the staff appraisal system and training managers in the skills of conducting appraisal interviews. I also organised an on-going programme of training courses for induction, management development, selection interviewing and equal opportunities. As a Section Head within the Personnel Department, I was involved in the development of policies such as Equal Opportunities and Job Evaluation. My role also involved supporting managers at a more individual level by providing internal consultancy to them around areas of difficulty. I also pursued my interest in people taking responsibility for their own learning by creating a resource centre for self-managed learning within the Staff Development Unit.
Sept 84 – June 87
Taught in a government school in Malawi (Africa)
Sept 83 – June 84
Teacher in comprehensive school in Pinner (Nower Hill)
Sept 80 – June 83
Teacher in a comprehensive school in Solihull (Malvern Hall)
Sept 79 – June 80
Attended Queens University, Belfast, and obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education
Sept 74 – June 78
Attended Queens University, Belfast, and obtained a 2:1 BA Honours Degree
Previous clients include –
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
Save the Children
Greater London Sports Association
London Cycling Campaign
Groundwork Hackney
Lewisham Academy of Music
Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group
International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS
Christian Fellowship Trust
Camberwell Circle Project
Age Concern Sutton Borough
Mind in Haringey
Islington Mind
International Health Exchange
Working for Childcare
Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre
Penta Housing Ltd.
Department of Health
Camden and Islington NHS Trust
Surrey Family Health Service Authority
Southwark Local Authority
Lewisham Local Authority
Previous clients you might like to contact are –
Doug Bourne. Director. Development Education Association, Third Floor, 29 – 31 Cowper Street, London EC2A 4AP ( 0171 490 8108 )
Racel Searle-Mbullu, Youth Education Officer, Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 8RD 0171 703 5400
Mary Maybin; Angel Meade, 22 Ridgeway Road, Long Ashton, Bristol BS41 9ET
T – 01275 393500
F – 01275 394456
email – mary@framework.org.uk
I have completed an MSC course in Human Resource Development to distinction level at South Bank University. The course was geared specifically at developing an HRD specialist’s capacity to perform effectively in senior HRD or organisational change agent roles.
I have also completed two years of psychotherapy training run by the Gestalt Centre which greatly enhanced my skills in dealing with group dynamics and problem-solving.
I am currently a member of the Institute of Personnel and Development (IPD) and the Management Development Network (MDN).
Examples of recent/current contracts within specific work areas are -
Audits/Reviews -
i) Co-ordinated a major change process for a small voluntary organisation whose primary focus for 25 years has been to arrange visits to and from South Africa as part of the struggle against apartheid.
This process entailed an initial stage of re-thinking the organisation's purpose, objectives, name and the service it offers. My findings were fed back to the funders in a detailed report which was produced in consultation with the management committee of the organisation.
The next stage involved my working closely with the committee looking at a funding strategy for implementing such changes.
ii) Undertook research into the development of Health Workers within the Overseas Department of a large voluntary organisation. After interviewing Health Workers, managers and key personnel in the Senior Management Team, I drew out a list of agreed recommendations on the management and development of Health Workers.
iii) Carried out an evaluation of the training undertaken for the Children Act by all child care voluntary organisations nationally.
My role involved collating information from questionnaires, conducting follow-up telephone interviews as well as visiting a number of projects and analysing in detail the effectiveness of the training. I then produced a report with recommendations which was sent to the Department of Health, the commissioning body.
iv) Identified the overt and covert planning and decision-making processes across a small voluntary organisation and advised on how to develop a more strategic way of operating.
My role involved interviewing all staff on a one-to-one basis, getting them to complete questionnaires, observing team meetings and finally presenting a report with recommendations to the Director and his team.
Strategic Planning and Managing Change -
i) Worked as an associate for Pathways Training and Consultancy Services in the restructuring of the equalities function within a local authority into a single Equalities Unit. This involved my co-facilitating a series of workshops for the individuals likely to form part of the new Unit. The aim of these workshops was to promote a successful transition to the new structure by deepening the understanding of the change and its implications both at an individual and a group level.
ii) Facilitated a strategic planning event for the staff of an organisation where we worked on some key areas in devising a five year plan framework. This involved my agreeing a programme for the day with three members of staff, designing suitable exercises to enable that process to happen and guiding the process on the day.
iii) Co-facilitated a strategic planning event for a group of 36 staff from one local authority who wanted to create a vision for their organisation over the following 5 years. This group spanned different levels of management including Chief Executive Officers, senior and middle managers.
iv) Assessed the effectiveness of the processes and systems for strategic human resource development within the Overseas Department of a large voluntary organisation and advised on appropriate actions to enable the processes and systems to fit better with the Department’s overall Strategic Plan. This involved my interviewing staff, analysing all relevant papers and publications and presenting a report with recommendations.
Working with teams -
i) Worked over a period of months with the staff team of a small voluntary organisation who were experiencing difficulties around issues of race and sexuality. My role was to enable the team to resolve conflict and to function at a more effective level.
ii) Facilitated the three Co-Directors of an organisation to assess how they were currently working together and to devise strategies to promote more effective ways of working. Topics within this focus included communication, conflict resolution and delegation/accountability.
iii) Ran a one day event for a management committee which was aimed at clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the committee and at improving the way they managed the interface with staff.
Training -
i) I currently run a two day course "PASSPORT" which a colleague and I developed specifically for women. The course provides an opportunity for the women to think creatively about their current lifestyles, to analyse how their work and leisure activities enable them to make best use of their skills and interests and to plan changes.
ii) I devised and ran training days over a two year period for both practice managers and staff of an F.H.S.A. and for the Headquarters management team. The courses focused on developing line-management skills (eg. appraisal interviewing, managing change, managing training and managing meetings), as well as interpersonal skills (eg. stress management, conflict resolution, confronting prejudice, communication and time management).
I also advised the Staff Development Manager about more long-term solutions to the staff’s needs through a process consultancy-based approach.
Other work history and education (reverse order)
Jan 88 - June 91
Staff Development Officer in the Headquarters of Save the Children. In that post, I set up systems to assess the training needs of the 300 staff there, including updating the staff appraisal system and training managers in the skills of conducting appraisal interviews. I also organised an on-going programme of training courses for induction, management development, selection interviewing and equal opportunities. As a Section Head within the Personnel Department, I was involved in the development of policies such as Equal Opportunities and Job Evaluation. My role also involved supporting managers at a more individual level by providing internal consultancy to them around areas of difficulty. I also pursued my interest in people taking responsibility for their own learning by creating a resource centre for self-managed learning within the Staff Development Unit.
Sept 84 - June 87
Taught in a government school in Malawi (Africa)
Sept 83 - June 84
Teacher in comprehensive school in Pinner (Nower Hill)
Sept 80 - June 83
Teacher in a comprehensive school in Solihull (Malvern Hall)
Sept 79 - June 80
Attended Queens University, Belfast, and obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education
Sept 74 - June 78
Attended Queens University, Belfast, and obtained a 2:1 BA Honours Degree
Previous clients include -
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
Save the Children
Greater London Sports Association
London Cycling Campaign
Groundwork Hackney
Lewisham Academy of Music
Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group
International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS
Christian Fellowship Trust
Camberwell Circle Project
Age Concern Sutton Borough
Mind in Haringey
Islington Mind
International Health Exchange
Working for Childcare
Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre
Penta Housing Ltd.
Department of Health
Camden and Islington NHS Trust
Surrey Family Health Service Authority
Southwark Local Authority
Lewisham Local Authority
Previous clients you might like to contact are -
Doug Bourne. Director. Development Education Association, Third Floor, 29 - 31 Cowper Street, London EC2A 4AP ( 0171 490 8108 )
Racel Searle-Mbullu, Youth Education Officer, Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 8RD 0171 703 5400
Mary Maybin; Angel Meade, 22 Ridgeway Road, Long Ashton, Bristol BS41 9ET
T – 01275 393500
F – 01275 394456
email – mary@framework.org.uk