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MASTER model


I've come across a couple of passing references to the MASTER model in other answers here on TZ. I'd like to find out more in case this is something that may be useful for me, but my googling has been unsuccessful! Can anyone help?


I've come across a couple of passing references to the MASTER model in other answers here on TZ. I'd like to find out more in case this is something that may be useful for me, but my googling has been unsuccessful! Can anyone help?


2 Responses

  1. MASTER Model

    Hi Steph,

    I've got lots of resources that go into the MASTER model in detail because it's the one we use to design and deliver all our training.  Get in touch if you need to know more – it's a great model when used properly.

    For an overview

    6 Steps to Accelerating Learning 

    Motivate Minds

    Getting learners to maximum receptivity as early as possible and keeping them there.  It can be done through creating a learning environment, understanding the issues they come with, contracting to work with them, relating the learning to their needs, giving them WIIFMs (Whats In It For Me?), being aware of Gestalts and providing positive emotional experiences throughout the learning.

    Absorb Information

    This is how you present information and how your learners take it in.  The majority of learners absorb information visually, auditorally or kinesthetically; fewer take in information predominantly through ‘taste’ or ‘smell’.  Use all the senses to gain maximum information transfer.

    Search for Meaning

    Enable learners to explore the information and to create their own meaning for it – to understand it in a way that is relevant to them.  Use Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences to design exploration of learning.

    Trigger Memory

    When learners return to work they need to be able to recall the learning quickly and easily.  Create a variety of memory triggers and access points to memory to ensure that the learning can be easily recalled.

    Exhibit Learning

    Learners need an opportunity to activate the learning and to apply it in as realistic a situation as possible.  Ideas or skills demonstrated immediately after the learning will be more easily transferred into the workplace.

    Review to Retain

    This is the overarching way to fix learning into long term memory.  Research and experience suggests that learning reviewed at least 7 times in the six months after the learning has taken place will be permanently embedded.

    Hope this helps

    Stella Collins