My business partner and I are looking to become MBTI qualified, we can only find one provider which is OPP. Does anyone know of any other providers or options ? Any advice would be appreciated.
Many thanks
My business partner and I are looking to become MBTI qualified, we can only find one provider which is OPP. Does anyone know of any other providers or options ? Any advice would be appreciated.
Many thanks
5 Responses
Tim Doyle
Dear Nicki
There are other providers but OPP are the licensed distributors in the UK and in my experience they provide first class training and an efficient online service. The cost is high but you get the quality product !
Kind regards,
MBTI – cheaper in US or on retreat?
It can work out cheaper to do the training in US, even allowing for flights, hotel, etc. The cheapest I found was at with a cost of $1195, held in Florida. The US qualification is recognised in UK and you are able to order materials, so it might be worth looking at this option. I don’t know why there is such a huge variation in the costs between UK and US, although there is more than one provider in US. You would need to check that you were happy with the style of training, group size, etc. as this might be different to OPP.
Alternatively, look at near Bristol. I think this may be aimed more at charities/church groups, but might be worth investigating.
Hope this helps!
MBTI Step1 Qualifying Programme
Hi Nickie
I recently did this programme via OPP, and will echo Tim’s comments on excellence. The trainer (Rachael) was more than willing to share
her vast knowledge and expereince and gave so much of herself to the 5 day programme. I have used the on-line service to check
queries and order questionnaires and reports etc and found it to be fast and efficient.
Hi Nickie
Just in case you’re not 100% certain about MBTI being the tool of your choice, I wanted to mention ‘Insights Discovery’ as an alternative option to MBTI. (I have no affiliation whatsoever!) Insights Discovery is based on the same Jungian principles as MBTI, and the benefit of this tool over MBTI is that results are presented using colours heavily, which people seem to really like, and it makes remembering your profile a lot easier. Check it out if you like I don’t know what they charge for accreditation (my last employer paid for this) but it’s worth checking out! I rate the tool very highly and am happy to discuss further if you like.
OPP Ltd in Oxford run the courses
See or 0845 603 9958 or