We are holding a training session for mid year objective settings and are wondering what tools we could use to measure that the managers have set objectives smartly following the session and also how to make sure there is a fairness between employees i.e what one manager sees as realistic another may not.Huge subject I know but any help would be appreciated
sharon kennedy
sharon kennedy
4 Responses
web based assessment tool
have you considered the use of an on line assesment tool to measure the transfer of new knowledge back to the work place by the managers that have been through your training. it will give you immediate objective feedback. you can create the content to focus on the areas seen as key. do give me a call. good luck.
Objective setting
Sorry not got back to you sooner.
Finanacial/cost type objectives are easy to write but when it comes to writing behaviour or performance improving objectives they are a devil to write and reach SMART standards. There is a web site called http://www.theobjectivesbank.com. Hundreds of previously written objectives for every occasion to cut and paste and alter where needed. Have a look, it might help.
Arian Associates Ltd
If you are familiar with SMART objectives then if you apply the principles in a quality circle type review session of the objectives themselves you should get to where you want to be.
In other words are the objectives actually SMART ?
I have tried to access the link for the objectives bank but it doesn’t work. Do you have an idea of any similar websites?
Thank you very much in advance,