For several reasons, our top management has asked us to consider introducing mentoring in the company. To this extent, I am looking for people in business (prferefaby other automotive businesses) who are willing to share best and worst practices with me with regards to developing and starting such a project. Looking forward to exchange with peers! Thanks in advance!
Inge Vandeurzen
Inge Vandeurzen
2 Responses
Mentoring resources
Andrew Gibbons has an excellent section on his web site at
although it isn’t specifically automotive. You may find some useful material there.
Some tips
I’ve experience of introducing mentoring/coaching, although not in the automotive industry. Here are some brief tips about getting started. If you want to talk about further off line please contact me at e-mail: or pheon 01427 875156:
I think you should aim to cover the following:
– Leadership from the top: get the leaders of the organisation involved and backing the scheme
– Purpose/Objectives: What do you expect the benefits to be to both mentors and mentees, and to the organisation?
– Communication: clear plan for telling the workforce about this scheme, e.g. why it’s beneficial to individuals and the company, communicate successes.
– Selection of Mentors: ensure they are selected because they have the right attitude and experience
– Training: for both mentors and mentees.
– Choice: allow the mentee to choose their mentor from a shortlist, rather than to
assign someone
– Role: have clear role descriptions for both mentor and mentee, ensure they
understand what is expected of them
– Monitor and Measure: set some critical success factors at the beginning and
evaluate the scheme to see if these have been met. Develop/change the approach if
– Escape Route: if a mentor/mentee just cannot get on, make it possible for them to end the relationship with “no blame” on either side.
Good luck and best wishes