I want to set up a ‘buddy’/mentoring scheme – particularly for new members of staff to help overcome the initial feelings of ‘strangeness’, ‘it’s all too much for me’, ‘how do I’, ‘where can I find’ etc. and to help staff settle into the new environment. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has used such a scheme – how they went about setting it up and how successful it was.
Any information for putting together an ‘Advanced Train the Trainer’ course. Many of our trainers have had basic instruction but want to or need to develop their skills further. Suggestions as to course content would be helpful and advice on any videos/games/rsources that might be helpful.
Sue Shewell
Any information for putting together an 'Advanced Train the Trainer' course. Many of our trainers have had basic instruction but want to or need to develop their skills further. Suggestions as to course content would be helpful and advice on any videos/games/rsources that might be helpful.
Sue Shewell
5 Responses
it al depends what you want out of it, twice!
I think you are looking at two separate issues. With the mentoring issue there are a number of differnt target outcomes for mentor and mentee, and depending on what the objectives are, you can approach it in different ways.
As regards the TTT aspect it depends on a number of aspects, eg are the trainers training “knowledge” or “skills”, what are the objectives for the training?
If you want to give me a call on 07812 170391 I’ll happily explain what I’m on about.
We recently had a need to up skill our inhouse trainers in this area.
We also wanted to deliver the upskill programme in house. We purchased a full resource pack and followed the activities and multimedia presentation over a couple of days.
It worked well and cost us under £400 plus VAT to train over 12 so we regarded it as a good investment.
If you want further details please contact us on info @limeone.com
0870 240 4325
For train the trainer – try NLP
In training the trainer, I agree with russell who said “it all depends what you want”. But, from a personal perspective as a trainer (and from my clients’ perspective) I gained significant benefit from becoming a Licensed Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This transformed my performance in presentation and communication skills, setting training direction, releasing trainee potential, and achieving results. Well worth the very cost-effective investment.
I trained with a chap called Michael Beale from PPI Business NLP, who takes a very ‘business focussed’ approach, and so will tailor his stuff to your precise needs. Either get in touch with me for more info on how I benefitted (info@managementinabox.co.uk) or get in touch with Michael direct on michaelbeale@ppimk.com
He addresses the benefits of NLP Practitioner accreditation for a variety of work functions (and not just trainers) on http://www.nlp-pro.com/nlp-benefits.htm, which makes for interesting reading.
Buddy Package
Hi Sue
I am the trainer for a busy postal operation. We have a buddy package written which includes; buddy (train the trainer)workshop, allocation of buddies to duties (champions), briefing pack, feedback forms etc.
E-Mail address Lizdelahaye@halifax.co.uk
If you e-mail me with your details I will send you the package. There maybe something there that you can use/adapt.
I have been setting up Mentoring schemes for the last year and am happy to share my experiences with you and how to go about it and where to get useful info etc.if you want to call me we can talk thro what you want etc 07970 481511