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Methods for Knowledge Transfer


Does anyone know of any mthods or models for doing this?

Ceri-Anne Bailey

3 Responses

  1. Consultancies
    All quality consultancies will have a model of knowledge transfer which is consultancy specific. So, say, if you are looking at a business peformance or quality management consultancy you will adopt an embedded approach as the consultancy develops. The ‘handover’, including methods and timings should be agreed at the start of the project to avoid the client having to resource this aspect at the end of the job. The client organisation should always have the legitimate expectation that the handover of the project should come at an agreed stage and that by that stage they should be equipped to tackle the job in house with minimum external help.

    Without knowing what you have received consultancy on or the job agreed we cannot be more specific. All we can say is the solution should be with your consultants not you, as all consultancies that have an end result reach this stage! I would throw this one back at them and ask them to suggest a model of ‘release’ for you which can be agreed within the current job.

    Lime One Ltd
    0870 240 4325

  2. Knowledge transfer
    Much of this depends on where you are. If you are an external consultant you should make a contract with the client about what should be done and who should do it – see below. If you are an internal trainer I would recommend you get hold of a copy of ‘Assessing the Value of your Training’, Leslie Rae, Gower,2002 in which Chapter 11 discusses this aspect, tries to put it into its most effective approach and suggests instruments that can be used in various approaches.
    Although all avenues are covered, I still firmly believe that the follow-up of training and the implementation of the learning {that is how I read ‘Knowledge Transfer = implementation of all forms of learning} (that you have identified at the end of the programme and given ample time for the completion and, perhaps co-discussion, of an Action Plan) is naturally (ie by nature) in the hands of the learners’ line managers. With their support you can always send a questionnaire to both the learner and the line manager, but have you time in your busy training function to do all this. Put the onus where it belongs! Firmly on the shoulders of the learner with the support and ‘encouragement’ of the line manager. I believe that the responsibility of a trainer is to provide effective training resources so that the participants can learn – then over to others and let the trainer get on with their real job.