I'm conducting a survey on the estent to which people use Mindmapping (including the use of mindmapping software) in a business context either for planning or performance enhancement. I would love reponses if you use Mindmapping in any format, for what, and to what result/success. Many thanks in advance for your responses.
Jamie MacDonald

3 Responses
Mindmapping research
You should probably go and take a look over here: (www.brainjuicer.com) this research agency is basically built on mindmaps!
mind map software
I have used many forms of software – each has its own strengths.
I have used them for summarising training, for planning, notetaking etc.
One of the best softwares I have found (looks great) is cornerstone from http://www.camsp.com
mind manager is good, if a little ‘boring’ in presentation
Could not live without them!
I use hand drawn Mind Maps all the time for planning training sessions, books, articles, my life and everything! They make a huge difference – enable me to see the big picture and how things relate to each other. Also how to order/structure different pieces of material. Great fun too. My best MMs are on a whiteboard on the wall of my office.