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Mobile Phone Proposal


I have been tasked with creating a mobile phone proposal for my team, this is my first attempt and wondered if anyone could offer any guidance?

9 Responses

  1. What’s the proposal?

    Hi Joanne

    What exactly is the proposal designed to do? If you give us some more information and detail I’m sure the communkty can help you


  2. Mobile phone Proposal – more info

    Of course, I work within a team of regional development advisors. We currently utilise our own phones however this is getting increasingly complicated claiming minutes back etc Additionally as we spend so much time on the road the phones would enable us to read emails without having to find somewhere to plug in. I have to give a good case for the proposal, costings etc and hoped people may have some expereince of this as it is my first attempt at this type of proposal.


  3. Research

    Hi Joanne

    There needs to be some form of cost benefit for this as new phones would obviously cost and it may be more than is currently paid out for personal mobile usage.

    Research what business deals are available. Are there better rates for greater numbers?

    What do the company currently spend?

    How much time is taken up with people working through their bills to separate work and personal calls. That time can be costed as a percentage of salary

    What processes will you put in place to stop abuse (using tehir work phone for personal calls)? You would need a robust usage policy

    How many of the emails have an urgency to them and can you put a cost on not being able to answer them quickly?

    Sorry that I’ve just given yu a lot more questions to answer but it may give you a start


  4. line two?


    I used to have a set up on Orange where each phone had two numbers; line one was the business number and line two was the personal number.  Two seperate bills were produced, one to the company for the business usage and one for the individual for their personal usage.  This doesn’t do all that you want but it sure takes the hassle of cross charging out of it all!


    PS I have got phones from affordablemobiles and e2save and in both cases got smart phones that accept emails and a whopping great freebie as well; a really good netbook computer on one occasion and an LCD TV on another….niether was a hideous tie in or an uncompetitive price!

  5. Mobile Phone Proposal



    Firstly, do your research. Identify various phone and package charges and compare therse with your current system. If the cost/benefit analysis is in favourof entering into a contract to supply new phones then, secondly, have a robust policy on usage. If your organisation wishes to do so the system where two seperate lines and bills may work, but in practice it is generally easier to cap the private usage, or have staff pay a nominal rate, say £10 per month, for private calls. Again, this would need to be monitored against excessive personal use if that is the custom with your organisation.

  6. Sorry Terry?

    "If your organisation wishes to do so the system where two seperate lines and bills may work, but in practice it is generally easier to cap the private usage, or have staff pay a nominal rate, say £10 per month, for private calls. Again, this would need to be monitored against excessive personal use if that is the custom with your organisation."

    So the options are either

    A. Each person has a second line or

    B. You…..

    1. Cap the private useage (which means finding an acceptable level and making it very clear in a policy document)

    2. Find and set a reasonable nominal rate that will suit everyone from the point of view of the people who don’t make personal calls at all and the company covering the people who make lots of personal calls, bearing in mind that this also has to become a policy issue and will have to be reviewed every time the tariff changes.

    3. Monitor each mobile bill, every month against excessive use, and presumably have some sort of disciplinary process and clawback in the event that the system is abused. Again another policy to be written up

    ….and B is in practice easier than A, how!?

    It was precisely because a) one or two people ran up excessive personal phone bills AND b) some other people didn’t like having their personal use monitored …

    …..that we went to the "line two" option.



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