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Models Wanted!


I am doing a little piece of work to compare and contrast various evaluation models and methods. Aside from the work of Kirkpatrick, Phillips and Kearns, I'd appreciate any pointers to any other models and methods.
Martin Schmalenbach

6 Responses

  1. Evaluation
    I love the way you say ‘do a little piece of work’. This nearly always turns out to be more than first planned.
    As you will know there are loads of models around. I would pick as most common amoungst the practitioners I have dealings with (after those who you have already mentioned):
    1. Hamblin’s 5 stages
    2. What we call the Flat Hat Model (before, during and after; when drawn it looks like a flat hat) but better known in the states as TOTEM (Transfer of Training Evaluation Model)

    Still used in academic circles (not least for things like comparison) are:
    1. The CIPP model (either by Sufflebeam or Worthen, I can never remember) – context, input, process, product
    2. And the similar IPO model (Bushnell)- input, process, output & outcome

    Out of favour sadly are Scriven’s goal free approach and Eisner’s Connoisseurship Evaluation approach (ie using an expert).

    As someone always attracted to simplicity I tend to like the idea that evaluation is about three things: assuring learning, improving quality and proving worth. The only trouble is each aspect needs a different set of methods.

    Hope this helps a little


  2. Success Case

    The Success Case Method: Find Out What’s Working and What’s Not
    Author: Robert O. Binkerhoff
    Publisher: Berrett-Koehler
    ISBN: 1576751856

    Available through the usual outlets.

    Good luck with your ‘little piece of work.’


    Scott G. Welch

  3. Recent Approaches
    Dear Martin,

    David Wilson of e-learnity has done some recent research on what companies are actually doing in terms of evaluating the effects of training ( – summary of findings on the front page).

    Others with strong views in this field include Neil Lasher ( I don’t think that there’s anything on his web site to do with this – but I’m sure that he’d answer an e-mail.

    Best of luck in your quest,


  4. evaluation models
    soory to gatecrash your query, however, I am very interested in sourcing effective models for evaluating the ‘O’ ie the outcome/business impact of training/leanring. Have you come across any favoured exmaples of work on this specfic element?
    best wishes

  5. Thanks & Outcomes
    My thanks to Donald for reminding me of David Wilson’s work.

    Jo asks about evaluating the outcome of the process.

    Jo – could you be more specific – are you talking about the outcome of the training at the end of the course or are you talking about the outcome of the training some time down the line and in terms of key success measures for the organisation?

    If it’s the latter I think I can help by pointing you to my series of articles on evaluation on the website (in the Useful Stuff section) or on my own web site at


    Martin Schmalenbach

  6. Evaluation models
    Martin, just seen your request. I made my own attempt and introduced some new angles I think in a “One Stop Guide” published by Personnel Today called “Return on HR Investment”.

    Was published at £60 but can provide for £30 if of interest

    Andrew Mayo