A 1998 survey of pupils aged 16 showed that more are now staying in some form of learning. Key findings showed:-
* an increase of 0.6% in those staying on in Full Time Education to 68.5% – the highest percentage since the survey began.
* a similar increase to 82.1% in the percentage moving into some form of learning after completing compulsory education.
* an increase to 7.8% of young people in employment with a planned programme of on and off the job training.
* a reduction to 4.2% in those whom careers services have been unable to contact – the lowest percentage since the survey began.
* an increase of 0.6% in those staying on in Full Time Education to 68.5% - the highest percentage since the survey began.
* a similar increase to 82.1% in the percentage moving into some form of learning after completing compulsory education.
* an increase to 7.8% of young people in employment with a planned programme of on and off the job training.
* a reduction to 4.2% in those whom careers services have been unable to contact - the lowest percentage since the survey began.