Has anyone got a self analysis questionnaire that focuses on personal motivation rather than work/employee motivation that I could use? Thank you for reading this article. Elaine
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Has anyone got a self analysis questionnaire that focuses on personal motivation rather than work/employee motivation that I could use? Thank you for reading this article. Elaine
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7 Responses
Suggestion …
Hi Elaine, you may like to try the Psychologies magazine website for some possible questionnaires. Not sure how you stand on copyright issues though ….
Personal motivation questionnaire
Hi Elaine,
There is a simple personal motivation questionnaire here (free!):
Let me know if you have any trouble accessing it, I will email a copy over to you.
Hope it helps,
Thank you for your suggestions.
Try Seligman’s website for lots of potential questionnaires
Simply register and you get free access to lots of resources that tap into personal values, motivation, feelings, etc. Much of the content is based around his Positive Psychology work and usag eof the site build in his global research data.
I find the tools really useful for coaching cleints, especially around stress, career planning, role changes and so on.
Whislt I don’t haver any specific questionnaires on motivation I have developed a simple motivational model entitled ‘Diamond Motivation’. If you drop me an email at allan@allanmackintosh.com I can send you an article and user guide.
Yours Aye,
Great Website
Thankj you Sarae, great website.
personal motivations questionnaire
Not sure how old your posting is and if you have something yet. Have you seen McClellend’s 1987 writing on Human Motivation? Plenty on google and Wiki for starters if not. I have a copy of a personal questionnaire based on this work that you are welcome to have if you do not have it already. Have used it often for 1:1 work with people as it provides a nice simple set of principles for motivation that can easily be applied to dealing with other people as well as for personal development purposes. Kind regards – tim (tim.james@dnaglobal.com)