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MS Office Training


Hello, I@m keen to explore new ways of having office training rolled out within my organisation, rather than the traditional classroom activity.  Has anyone done anything different with any success, involving perhaps social media or innovative ideas?

4 Responses

  1. Software

    Hello Social Geek

    I personally don’t think Software Training works particularly well, if at all, as I have forgotten 99.999% of anything I ever learned on the many software courses I have been on.

    I would recommend

    Fantastic idea, really like this company and the way they approach software training.


  2. Not keen

    Thanks STeve, we have tried this format previously, wasn’t well received. sadly..

  3. Best reply

    In that case I don’t deserve "Best Reply"…perhaps "Only reply"? 😉

    "Wasn’t well received" isnt very specific…maybe your answer lies with a Survey to find out what your staff would prefer?

    What about Mobile Learning (Skill Pill) or short animations like Commoncraft?



  4. MS Office Training

    Hi Social Geek

    Just been catching up on my Trainingzone emails and spotted your question.

    If you want to move away from formal F2F training sessions may I recommend Live meeting Sessions to an invited audience of attendees.  I successfully ran three on Excel (same content) to over 400+ and from pre and post LM polls had an evidenced improvement of knowledge of 40%+.  This was supported by an example spreadsheet containing all the learning points / areas and this was subsequently made available for download via sharepoint alongside LM replay so attendees could listen again to the session or even newbies use it as a free standing piece of coaching.

    I found this to be very effective, had excellence feedback on delivery and content – so commend this as one to you to consider as an alternative.

    To back this up you could also think about publishing weekly Hints & Tips e.g. "Office 2007 / 2010 how to use the quick access toolbar to find all those icons / menu options you used to know and use!"  Just a thought.

    If you would like to follow up on these please let me know

    Best regards

    Mike H



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