I am running a session on multiple intelligences next week and looking for exercises to use with a group of trainee teachers. any input would be appreciated.
michael donlevy
michael donlevy
I am running a session on multiple intelligences next week and looking for exercises to use with a group of trainee teachers. any input would be appreciated.
michael donlevy
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4 Responses
Web Sites
At Woodland Grange we extremely interested in the work of Howard Gardner who has put forward the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). Which runs contrary to the concept of Alfred Binet and his empirical approach to measuring intelligence.
Several trainers and consultants we have worked with are intrigued with his ideas and with some obvious applications of his theories to the workplace. These are several web sites I have located which are worth a visit.
A very brief overview of the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). Fine if you’ve only got two minutes to spare.
A slightly more in depth review of the theory but with additional links. Good basic stuff, but not engaging.
A good sight with a reasonable but brief review of the concept but with lots of web links which refer to the most essential aspects of the model.
A write up of a dialogue between Howard Gardner and various individuals who ask questions relating to the theory of Multiple Intelligence.
A slightly more detailed overview of the subject with some minor suggestions for implementing the concept of MI.
A web site focussing on the application of MI to teaching school children but with some interesting suggestions and ideas which the organisational trainer/developer might usefully employ and use.
An article that gives some historical context of the theory of intelligence and how MI was developed and created.
A simple but reasonably detailed over view of the Gardner’s theory. Simple layout, easy to use.
A web site which acts as a preface to one of Gardner’s books; ‘Intelligence: Multiple Perspectives’. Not much use other than to give you some idea if the book is worth buying. (Which it is in my opinion).
A web based PowerPoint like presentation on the theory of MI. I liked it because it was easier to absorb than a mass of text on the screen.
A web site with a summary of very decent links regarding MI. Worth visiting.
An excellent site with a mass of links typically overlooked by most other MI web sites. A definite one to visit.
many thanks Garry for the comprehensive list of web sites along with your content rating, very useful!
Regards, Michael.
MI activities
Have a look at the recently published
Multiple Intelligences: A trainer’s resource of 35 activities. Joyce Martin. Gower, 2002. A4 looseleaf, 370 pages, £250. ISBN 0 566 08465 1
An excellent set of activities specifically for this purpose
Model as many MIs as possible!
I run a ‘lucky dip’: I have a diverse selection of items in a large bag. Some of them are directly relevant to MIs (puzzle, castanets, fluffy ball, map, leaf, CD, text book, etc), others are a bit more oblique (folded origami paper, mirror, squeaky dog toy, smelly pens, photo, indoor sparklers etc). The wider the range, the better! Invite them to pick one unseen and talk to a partner about their reaction/ it’s relevance to learning. Facilitate discussion, give input with laminated MI icons stuck on flip chart, make links with Learning Styles & Accelerated Learning, encourage Learning Log reflection, have Baroque music playing, offer handout containing refs/ Garry’s list …