I need to do a 10 minute presentation on the challenges faced by a trainer in front of a potential employer as part of my interview. Has anyone got any good ideas to impress and engage and what sort of content to include. Amy ideas would be gratefully received.

One Response
Hi there
My idea would be to give a presentation on Trust, Credibility and Rapport. The three things a trainer should establish and be aware of before, during and after a training event.
There is a wealth of information if you do an internet search but if I was doing it I would look at how to establish and destroy each quality.
To establish always maintain eye contact
To destroy arrive late dressed innapropriately
Give more examples for each then look at a scenario where you are the trainer running a session and expain what you do and why to establish all three.
PS – If the job is for a trainer I would suggest they tell you rather than you tell them how to establish and destroy.