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Negotiation skills


Can anyone help with information or guidance relating to how to negotiate with managers who do not have a quality improvement "mind set" and how to persuade them of the benefits of continued improvement strategies.
steve dann

One Response

  1. Process Models
    Well, get them to go through a project management course and they will start to see the benefits.

    Quality control is of course essential, even more important is to have an iterative system where you look at where you are and where you want to go continuously and consider new internal and external developments.

    This is quite critical in areas such as software industry and the solutions there are increasingly applied elsewhere. Have a look at RUP model, Agile Development and similar to get a feel for these processes. Managers should be encouraged to read on these kind of material or should be trained on them. In my experience many are not even aware of the latest processes and so making them aware is a good starting point.
