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Negotiation Skills for Labor negotiations


We have a new Labor Manager and I am looking for a external training course on negotiation skills. Does anybody know a qualified trainer/training company (preferably based in the UK)?

The classic (read: basic) negotiation skills class is not what I am looking for as it doesn’t sufficiently prepare people for negotiations with unions and works councils.

All answers, suggestions and ideas are welcome.


We have a new Labor Manager and I am looking for a external training course on negotiation skills. Does anybody know a qualified trainer/training company (preferably based in the UK)? The classic (read: basic) negotiation skills class is not what I am looking for as it doesn't sufficiently prepare people for negotiations with unions and works councils. All answers, suggestions and ideas are welcome. Thanks, Peggy

8 Responses

  1. Neg. skills

    There is a good UK trainer called Mike Newman for this. I can help you get in touch with him if need be.

  2. Negotiation Skills Training


    Peggy – 3 Alternatives come to mind.   CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) and I might suggest  Isabelle Phillips as a point of reference. See www.
    Alternatively : Ewan Malcolmn at the Scottish Mediation Network, 18 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EP  Telephone: 0131 556 1221   Ewan is one of the best communicators I know and I’m sure can tailor a model for the sort of thing you might be looking for.   Email :  Web
    And finally : Tom Hutcheson at Tom is a trainer and university lecture travelling worldwide with international credentials and again probably has a suite of skills which could add something to your needs.


  3. Negotiation Skills
    Are we allowed to advertise? I think so. Check our website ( we ARE listed in Training Zone pages) We produce a programme for training negotiators, which any literate manager could present, in order to train personnel in this important skill. It is NOT just a basic “do this, then that” type of programme, but an in-depth detailed analysis of skills needed. It could also be used for self-study if necessary – though this is not the best use of the resource. You can download a sample file from our website.

  4. Negotiation Training
    Have you thought about talking to the Secretary of your organisation’s union branch. It is in their interests for the Labour Manager to be trained in negotiating with unions and they can also provide direction on courses that explain how unions work and what their objectives are.

    To negogiate well you need to have the skills / tools for the job but (in my opinion) a well prepared negotiator researchs the party they are negotiating (this includes stakeholders such as customers and suppliers) to understand what motivates them and what consequently what they wish to achieve.

  5. President

    Steve Wiley, The Wiley Group or same as/The Liconln Leadership Institue, Gettysburg PA. The absolute best! Used them nay times. Terriffic! Call me for more if you like. Mike McCartney, McCartney, McCartney Consulting, Ltd. 419 704 0617

  6. Negotiation skills training

     Hello Peggy

    The Gap Partnership is based in Chesham, Bucks.  Their contact details are: 01442 291900 /  They specialise in negotiation skills training, and the courses cover all aspects of negotiation right up to a strategic level.  I would recommend them very highly.

    Best wishes

    Jill Downing

  7. Negotiation Skills
    Our lead trainer in this subject is unusual in that he not only TRAINS people in the subject but is a volunteer and tribunal advocate who ACTUALLY NEGOTIATES with employers on behalf of individuals. His course is therefore a good mixture of theory and reality,with a 12 month after care service thrown in!



    QED Training

  8. Negotiating Training
    HI Peggy,

    Try Scotwork, (sorry don’t have access at the moment to web address or tel no.) We have used them in past and are highlighly rated in our business. Although expensive, the definatley deliver the required results.

    Kirsty McGhie
    Business Training Manager