Nursery where students edify their basics, develop new habits of learning which help them to form behavior to study. At this stage students start experiencing changes in their life style. Nursery is a nurturing stage for students defining their approach and attitude towards education hence define (reframing) their character. This should be ‘NO COMPROMISE’ stage. Numerous researches have been done since 19th century and various new methodologies have been invented in education. Initially, at nursery stage, students were made comfortable, away from the most protected family environment and taken to the social environment. Over a period of time paradigm in education has shifted and nursery education has been considered as important as progressive stages like primary, secondary, higher secondary and may be college education. The scientific research denotes that nursery is the stage of mental conditioning necessary for career development. Though this may sound little superficial thinking but paradigm towards education has changed and will continue changing very rapidly in 21st century, a knowledge era. We need to take steps forward to consider that primary or secondary education is a stage for mental conditioning as well as that impact their approach towards higher studies. In India, usually parents and students start thinking about the stream of their higher studies during secondary education level which is considered as a base level for their career. They decide either to choose engineering, medical, management or any other, as their career option should suit their situation. During school studies focus has always been given on primary level of education for all subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, History, Geography etc. which helps them to form a firm base for whichever stream they choose during their higher studies. At this stage our education pattern does not allow an exposure of students to certain management or managerial subjects, which are very essential since management is an integral part not only of career but also of our life.
It is a known fact that the school is the place where we build not only future work force but also a knowledge community that becomes instrumental in our economic development. And if management education is not up on the priority then our job as an economic developer will become more and more challenging in the years to come. When we talk about economic development we need to ensure management education for everyone at every stage of education. We have to promote management education right from the basics to produce Manager-Doctor, Manager-Engineer, Manager- Architect or even Manager-Manager. In every part of career or a life one needs to be effective manager having adequate managerial skills. We cannot rule out the importance of management education even if someone desires to become a doctor, engineer, manager in corporate sector or may be an entrepreneur. We study regular subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, Geography, History, Sanskrit etc. that help us to do well in our further studies in various streams like medicine, engineering, social work etc. However, in current pattern we do not have any scope if one wants to pursue in management studies that gives an opportunity to shape careers in management.
The most important question is whether we need to produce more professionals or just subject experts with adequate skills? Does our education system address this? Has time come to address and arrest such challenges at this point? Does our education pattern provide a scope for management education at a school level instead of only at college level to them who want to make career in management? Can we say that if one who does not want to make his career in management, need not require exposure management education? Are we not a manager in our life, no matter in whichever profession we are in?
Looking onto the grounds of building a career with exposure of management skills, where management is given an equivalent importance, it is essential for schools to come forward to take responsibility to promote management education at secondary education. If we consider 21st century a knowledge century, it’s time to change our perspective and paradigm towards our current education system to address future challenges and opportunity. India is on the way to become superpower in every sphere, be it technology, global trade or overall economic growth. To achieve this we need more and more professionals in every trade of the society & economy and just not job specialist or subject experts.
And management education will give India an analytical, passionate, and ambitious business community that can change the whole course of economic development.
Nursery where students edify their basics, develop new habits of learning which help them to form behavior to study. At this stage students start experiencing changes in their life style. Nursery is a nurturing stage for students defining their approach and attitude towards education hence define (reframing) their character. This should be ‘NO COMPROMISE’ stage. Numerous researches have been done since 19th century and various new methodologies have been invented in education. Initially, at nursery stage, students were made comfortable, away from the most protected family environment and taken to the social environment. Over a period of time paradigm in education has shifted and nursery education has been considered as important as progressive stages like primary, secondary, higher secondary and may be college education. The scientific research denotes that nursery is the stage of mental conditioning necessary for career development. Though this may sound little superficial thinking but paradigm towards education has changed and will continue changing very rapidly in 21st century, a knowledge era. We need to take steps forward to consider that primary or secondary education is a stage for mental conditioning as well as that impact their approach towards higher studies. In India, usually parents and students start thinking about the stream of their higher studies during secondary education level which is considered as a base level for their career. They decide either to choose engineering, medical, management or any other, as their career option should suit their situation. During school studies focus has always been given on primary level of education for all subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, History, Geography etc. which helps them to form a firm base for whichever stream they choose during their higher studies. At this stage our education pattern does not allow an exposure of students to certain management or managerial subjects, which are very essential since management is an integral part not only of career but also of our life.
It is a known fact that the school is the place where we build not only future work force but also a knowledge community that becomes instrumental in our economic development. And if management education is not up on the priority then our job as an economic developer will become more and more challenging in the years to come. When we talk about economic development we need to ensure management education for everyone at every stage of education. We have to promote management education right from the basics to produce Manager-Doctor, Manager-Engineer, Manager- Architect or even Manager-Manager. In every part of career or a life one needs to be effective manager having adequate managerial skills. We cannot rule out the importance of management education even if someone desires to become a doctor, engineer, manager in corporate sector or may be an entrepreneur. We study regular subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, Geography, History, Sanskrit etc. that help us to do well in our further studies in various streams like medicine, engineering, social work etc. However, in current pattern we do not have any scope if one wants to pursue in management studies that gives an opportunity to shape careers in management.
The most important question is whether we need to produce more professionals or just subject experts with adequate skills? Does our education system address this? Has time come to address and arrest such challenges at this point? Does our education pattern provide a scope for management education at a school level instead of only at college level to them who want to make career in management? Can we say that if one who does not want to make his career in management, need not require exposure management education? Are we not a manager in our life, no matter in whichever profession we are in?
Looking onto the grounds of building a career with exposure of management skills, where management is given an equivalent importance, it is essential for schools to come forward to take responsibility to promote management education at secondary education. If we consider 21st century a knowledge century, it’s time to change our perspective and paradigm towards our current education system to address future challenges and opportunity. India is on the way to become superpower in every sphere, be it technology, global trade or overall economic growth. To achieve this we need more and more professionals in every trade of the society & economy and just not job specialist or subject experts.
And management education will give India an analytical, passionate, and ambitious business community that can change the whole course of economic development.