Young people undergoing government-funded training who are not regarded as employed will receive funding on a par with those undertaking Modern Apprenticeships, according to a new consultation paper from the Department for Education and Employment.
The incoming Learning and Skills Councils (LSC) will be responsible for ensuring trainees receive at least £40 per week. Any existing trainees who start their training before April 2001 will keep their rate of allowances, but new trainees starting after that date may be paid a different rate.
Bonuses will be decided by the new councils themselves and a new national policy is to be created for 2001-02 for other support costs such as travel and childcare -currently policy on meeting such costs varies between TECs.
The DfEE has a number of questions it would like responses to in the consultation paper, and responses should be e-mailed by 3 November to or The full document can be viewed at
The incoming Learning and Skills Councils (LSC) will be responsible for ensuring trainees receive at least £40 per week. Any existing trainees who start their training before April 2001 will keep their rate of allowances, but new trainees starting after that date may be paid a different rate.
Bonuses will be decided by the new councils themselves and a new national policy is to be created for 2001-02 for other support costs such as travel and childcare -currently policy on meeting such costs varies between TECs.
The DfEE has a number of questions it would like responses to in the consultation paper, and responses should be e-mailed by 3 November to or The full document can be viewed at