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New name for bitesize learning


We are looking to develop 90 minute bitesize learning sessions on a range of subjects but are looking for a descriptive name for them. 'Bitesize learning' feels like it has been done to death and doesn't feel very fresh.

Any suggestions on alternatives names that create a really attractive image?

Thanks for you help,


18 Responses

  1. Bitesize sessions

    Hi Derek

    Just did a quick brainstorm and came up with:

    Quick Wins? Kick Start Sessions? Tasters? Short and sharp? Focussed learning? Headlines?

    Hope these ideas kick off others.


  2. R U doing them at a particular time of day?

    I used to run bite sized sessions over lunch times….we provided a free lunch as an added incentive….they wer called "lunch and learn"


    Pret a Learner

    Elephant in the Room (mixed metaphor; eat the elephant one bite at a time)

    Fast Brain Food

    One Hour Wonders (yes I know you said 90 minutes)

    Sprint learning





  3. what do you call it?

    Hi Derek

    why not offer an internal competition, if staff own the name, it may be better respected.

    In anycase, its best not just to "re-brand" just for the sake of it, but to make sure that with the new name is a new approach – people get very suspicious of old product new name!

  4. I really like ‘in a nutshell’

    I really like the ‘title’ in a nutshell suggestion especially if it’s a basics or overview type thing.  We generally run lunchtime sessions or breakfast sessions and just call them that.  (with the timing advertised / noted quiet clearly eg Title followed by These 90 minute workshops will….)  

    I have to agree that the ‘bitesize’ thing got a bit grating by the end of last year.  For me,  the lunch and learns/brown bag lunches always tend to suggest general group/team updates rather than an actual training session.   But look forward to other suggestions.


  5. CommonCraft

    Hi again…

    I know this is not really related to your question but I love this site as it shows how sometimes complex topics can be explained in 3 minutes.

    Thank you to previous post for liking "in a nutshell"



  6. Bitesize Learning

    We have just introduced these types of sessions and call them "Tricks of the Trade" sessions to emphasise that they are short topics relating to specific areas.

  7. Mini-training sessions

    I work in manufacturing so we call ours "toolbox talks".   Not sure I really like this though as ‘talks’ suggests a quite passive event.

  8. In a nutshell!

    Great idea – I really like the 90 minutes concept – I find they want it short and quick these days!

  9. 90minute learning

    How about

    (Topic) Micro training

    (Topic) Power session

    (Topic) in 90

    Regards Deborah



  10. 60

    How about reducing the time to 60 minutes and calling it…

    "The Learning Hour"

  11. Check before you choose!

    I planned to develop a series of 90 minute sessions, and call them ‘Skill-Pill’, but alas a search of the internet found that someone had already nabbed this. So, I had a re-think, reduced the sessions to 60 minutes, and called them Power Hour! Got 10 so far with many more planned. (so, you can’t have that!!)

    In the spirit of helping though, I too like the the ‘in a nutshell’ idea (lots of lovely images come to mind, and I also like ‘The essentials of…’ which makes it clear that this is not a full-blown course.



  12. Learn ___________ 90

    What about describing what it is?  It’s Learning, it’s in 90 minutes, it’s about a particular topic. E.g.

    Learn Sales 90
    Learn Communications 90
    Learn Writing Skills 90

  13. Starting point

    There can only be a start if its any kind of behavioural chnage so emphasise it and encouarge the process of attendees taking ownership for action afterwards.





  14. Bit sized learning renamed

    What about calling it ‘Top Notes’  or xxxMinutes , we have an initiative at Mac Tools called MacMinutes , the sessions can differ in length

    although each ‘bullet point’ has to be able to be delivered in 1 minute.


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