Hello and thanks for reading this.
I have just entered the contracting market place, after my organisations training department was closed down. I have 8 years experience in the training arena. I was involved in Sales skills training, Management training and Design and evaluation and would appreciate some help and advice regarding the right Agencies to contact and the best ways of getting work.
Many thanks for your time and help on this.
John Dare
John Dare
I have just entered the contracting market place, after my organisations training department was closed down. I have 8 years experience in the training arena. I was involved in Sales skills training, Management training and Design and evaluation and would appreciate some help and advice regarding the right Agencies to contact and the best ways of getting work.
Many thanks for your time and help on this.
John Dare
John Dare
3 Responses
Second-hand advice
Let me pass on some advice which was given to me when I set up in business 4 and a half years ago. It was this: get a product, something you can sell other than your time. That way, when things are quiet, you can at least cold call businesses and down time isn’t wasted time. This is the best piece of advice I have ever received. Good luck.
Ray Blake
Rahman Blake Associates
we have an advice page for new freelancers (and old ones too come to that)
i think you will find it beneficial and good luck
opportunities for freelancers
I am also new to the freelance market having started in July of this year and have, luckily, had lots of work since then. This is due to the fact that I subscribe to several training magazines that advertise permanent and freelance work (People Management, Personnel Today etc) – if you don’t already subscribe it may be worthwhile for you to do so. Also, if you join your local Chamber of Commerce this will give you an opportunity to network and advertise your services in the Chamber directory. If you plead poverty as a newly-employed business, you’ll probably get discounted membership rates! Hope this advice is useful – good luck!
Sue Garner, Garner Training.