Paul Russell talks us through setting and achieving our 2016 training resolutions.
January, a time to alter and change, emerging sylph-like from the withered chrysalis of the year before, past mistakes obliterated by the glittering vision that is the new and improved you. Appealing isn’t it? The fresh, blank script that the new year offers just waiting to be written, the opportunity to re-invent our professional personas. It is not surprising that so many of us ascribe to the concept of new year’s resolutions, but the temptation to set unrealistic goals, anchored in hope and fancy, can be overwhelming, resulting in resolutions that in all honesty have no place in our real lives or alignment to our intentions. The answer lies in setting specific training resolutions that are small steps to attaining your ultimate ambition.
First off, discard those trite resolutions that tend to trip off your tongue when an interested party asks what your 2016 resolutions are; hastily answered, easily forgotten. Instead, take the time to really consider where you want to be in your career within a set time, then plan your resolutions in the same way that you would set project objectives, that is, goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. More time consuming, yes, but infinitely more successful at delivering the results you require. And as ever, quality triumphs over quantity. One well-considered training resolution is more valuable than a dozen reflex musings.
Goals needn’t – and shouldn’t – be the sole preserve of January.
With your ultimate objective visualised, from a complete career change necessitating significant additional training to a promotion, extra responsibility or more confidence in a current role you can begin to work out the steps required to attain the goal. This is the point at which you would undertake your research, identifying suitable training. It may also be appropriate at this point to speak to HR about learning and development opportunities. Remember, bite-sized resolutions that are more readily achievable can set you on the path to your longer term goal, and as you achieve one resolution set another. Goals needn’t – and shouldn’t – be the sole preserve of January.
If you are having difficulty in determining your overall objective it may be because you are content in your current role but you can still look to set meaningful training resolutions through consideration of where your organisation and role is heading, identifying any skill-shortages. Most of us, if we are clear sighted about our potential shortcomings and astute enough to appreciate the strategic direction of the firms that we represent, will be able to identify areas for setting resolutions that will aid our careers.
Personal development should be a constantly evolving process not a one-month wonder; welcome the enthusiasm that a new year can bring, harness it, and use it to your advantage. A new year doesn’t mean that it is time to discard everything that you have already achieved, it’s a time to refine, building on what you have and adding to your professional skills. In 2016, make a resolution to be mindful in your approach to goal setting, the results could be surprising.
Paul Russell is co-founder and director of Luxury Academy London,, a multi-national private training company with offices in London, Delhi and Vishakhapatnam. Luxury Academy London specialise in leadership, communication and business etiquette training for companies and private clients across a wide range of sectors
Paul Russell talks us through setting and achieving our 2016 training resolutions.
January, a time to alter and change, emerging sylph-like from the withered chrysalis of the year before, past mistakes obliterated by the glittering vision that is the new and improved you. Appealing isn’t it? The fresh, blank script that the new year offers just waiting to be written, the opportunity to re-invent our professional personas. It is not surprising that so many of us ascribe to the concept of new year’s resolutions, but the temptation to set unrealistic goals, anchored in hope and fancy, can be overwhelming, resulting in resolutions that in all honesty have no place in our real lives or alignment to our intentions. The answer lies in setting specific training resolutions that are small steps to attaining your ultimate ambition.
First off, discard those trite resolutions that tend to trip off your tongue when an interested party asks what your 2016 resolutions are; hastily answered, easily forgotten. Instead, take the time to really consider where you want to be in your career within a set time, then plan your resolutions in the same way that you would set project objectives, that is, goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. More time consuming, yes, but infinitely more successful at delivering the results you require. And as ever, quality triumphs over quantity. One well-considered training resolution is more valuable than a dozen reflex musings.
Goals needn’t - and shouldn’t - be the sole preserve of January.
With your ultimate objective visualised, from a complete career change necessitating significant additional training to a promotion, extra responsibility or more confidence in a current role you can begin to work out the steps required to attain the goal. This is the point at which you would undertake your research, identifying suitable training. It may also be appropriate at this point to speak to HR about learning and development opportunities. Remember, bite-sized resolutions that are more readily achievable can set you on the path to your longer term goal, and as you achieve one resolution set another. Goals needn’t - and shouldn’t - be the sole preserve of January.
If you are having difficulty in determining your overall objective it may be because you are content in your current role but you can still look to set meaningful training resolutions through consideration of where your organisation and role is heading, identifying any skill-shortages. Most of us, if we are clear sighted about our potential shortcomings and astute enough to appreciate the strategic direction of the firms that we represent, will be able to identify areas for setting resolutions that will aid our careers.
Personal development should be a constantly evolving process not a one-month wonder; welcome the enthusiasm that a new year can bring, harness it, and use it to your advantage. A new year doesn’t mean that it is time to discard everything that you have already achieved, it’s a time to refine, building on what you have and adding to your professional skills. In 2016, make a resolution to be mindful in your approach to goal setting, the results could be surprising.
Paul Russell is co-founder and director of Luxury Academy London,, a multi-national private training company with offices in London, Delhi and Vishakhapatnam. Luxury Academy London specialise in leadership, communication and business etiquette training for companies and private clients across a wide range of sectors