Hi Everyone,
As a newbie starting out, I was wondering if I could ask a question around copyright, in presentations and training materials.
There is plenty of material out there, for example in the Harvard Business Review and other publications, and my question is when is it OK, under copyright law, to quote the materials, use their models, or publish a picture/graph?
I'm not really sure where to start looking for all of this, and any help would be very warmly welcomed.
Paul Dixon
Hi Everyone,
As a newbie starting out, I was wondering if I could ask a question around copyright, in presentations and training materials.
There is plenty of material out there, for example in the Harvard Business Review and other publications, and my question is when is it OK, under copyright law, to quote the materials, use their models, or publish a picture/graph?
I'm not really sure where to start looking for all of this, and any help would be very warmly welcomed.
Paul Dixon
5 Responses
Hi Paul, we discussed a
Hi Paul, we discussed a similar topic recently with video copyright in training (https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/community/discuss/youtube-etc-copyright-in-training), and the consensus seemed to be that as long as you contact the host of the content beforehand to ask and get their permission, you should be fine, although if it’s just a quote from a publication it should be fine to just reference your source.
I’m sure the other trainers on here will be able to give their own advice on how they approach this 🙂
Thanks Shonette, that’s a
Thanks Shonette, that’s a great thread. Really appreciate it! Paul
Hi Paul, this is an
Hi Paul, this is an interesting one. If it’s from a book the copyright statement is usually printed inside and probably states no unauthorised use. I have always understood that it might be ok if it’s for educational purposes but if you can contact the author, that’s the best route.
If it’s on-line e.g. Mind Tools, it depends on whether they are authorised to use it themselves and so and you will probably find a statement some where on the individual site stating if you can reproduce or not. I used to use businessballs a lot and they stated that it was ok to use diagrams etc as long as you clearly credited the original source.
If you are producing material that you charge others for, that might be different again and I’m less sure about that.
If it’s a video clip and it’s on youtube for example, as they are hosting it, they have put it into the public domain . If it’s been uploaded by it’s creator, they have put it in the public domain freely. If it’s a clip from a show or TV, the person uploading usually doesn’t have permission and that’s less certain. Again, I was told that if it was for educational purposes, people like the BBC are happy for you to use one of their clips.
Hope that helps.
Thanks Clive. Much
Thanks Clive. Much appreciated. It’s a bit of a minefield, and as I’m just starting out, I want to be the best practise in place where it can make the most difference: at the beginning! Thanks again.
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your responses. REALLY helpful!
I’ve been thinking this over, and would love people’s opinion.
There is an idea that builds on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, that was recently published in the Harvard Business Review. (See here: https://hbr.org/2016/09/the-elements-of-value) When would I be in copyright violation? And when would I be OK?
If I cut and pasted the diagram? If I cut and pasted it without a reference? Or would it simply be OK to make my own diagram, with the same words, but my own logos etc?
Like Larry Kim did here: http://www.inc.com/larry-kim/30-elements-of-value-the-consumers-hierarchy-of-needs.html
Thanks again!